INOAC foam thus the popular foaming name of polyurethane production PT Inoac Polytechno Indonesia. Originally shaped large foam blocks, then cut into small pieces according to specifications desired product ..
The first type of foam Inoac Light Green or green-colored light, commonly referred to as EON LG. This foam has a density / Density 23, means that in one cubic meter of foam weighing up to 23 kg. Foam is the most widely circulated in the country then known as foam INOAC EON LG D 23. Distributor itself foaming provide assurance foam anti deflated for this type for 10 years. Obviously with the terms and conditions
The second type of foam Inoac Light Yellow or Yellow colored light, Usually called EOE YL. This foam has a density / density 32. This means that in one cubic meter of foam weighing up to 32 kg. This foam is not as much foam EON LG D 23 in because the price is much more expensive in comparison Foam Eon LG D 23 almost doubled. But the price is certainly comparable with the best quality. Obviously there are differences in terms of durability and comfort. foaming For EOE foam YL D 32 distributors around the 15-year warranty.
From these two types of foam produced some derivative products. foaming Among INOAC foam mattress, sofa bed INOAC, mattresses folding and folding foaming sofa. For Accessories such as pillows. Bolster, Pillow Love and ironing largely do not use these two types of foam. if unused foam is then used with another density. Usually used as a coating pillows, bolsters and pillows lining love while the contents of pillows, bolsters, pillows love in the form of small pieces of foam pieces that are leftover scraps custom size / non-standard or foam that is not used anymore is usually a mixture of different types of foam , INOAC good foam products foaming and others.
To distinguish foam products INOAC with other foam would need its own accuracy. Insyaalah will be discussed in another post. At least there if you buy INOAC foam products, make sure you look at the Print / Sablon written PT Inoac Polytechno INOAC Indonesia and ask the seller warrants to the foam. You look for original INOAC foam can contact us Lestari Nusantara Foam 0818 2010 91/0877 1899 3000
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