Wednesday, September 18, 2013

By the time I took photos and video after I turn it was not so, not out of the picture ufp technolo

Starling Kyai Puzzle & Sunan Lawu | sabdalangit's website: Building the archipelago which noble character
Surya Kaping 11, October 2011. 03.00 pm arrived at Cemoro Sewu region Magetan, ufp technologies East Java), an ascent ufp technologies of Mount Lawu Post 1. By the time she reached Lawu want to highlight in the studio Pamelengan Bawarasa muksa KPH Condronegoro location (relative Keraton Surakarta). In that occur momentum and momentum spiritual history, the moment when the first meetings with starling ufp technologies Kyai. Starling Kyai intangibles like starlings typical Lawu. But the fur color is somewhat different, because starlings Lawu black color, while the starling Kyai color dark brown feathers, beak and feet premises amber. Starling Kyai looked over to where we were, perched on a branch which is only about 2 feet from where we stood. When I reached out, what a surprise it turned out to starling bird perched on the palm of the hand. Just a few seconds and then jumped to the ground and walked down the ground. We follow it because the bird appeared to drive or walk took us to enter the studio page Pamelengan Bawarasa. The bird showed something. Then around the large black stone, we follow. After that he landed on a branch, we looked very sharp eyes. Then we try to close your eyes inward interact.
By the time I took photos and video after I turn it was not so, not out of the picture ufp technologies alias failed miserably! Because I wanted to preserve it, then get home I can just paint over what was recorded in the mind the memory of the events, and the results in such a way as the reader can see for yourself. ufp technologies Studio Pamelengan Bawarasa any physical looks not like the original. The painting is a visual record of my memory noumena or metaphysical facts.
The event was a special experience as well as proof that the story about the starling Kyai and Sunan Lawu who believed society as a guard Lawu not just mythology or fairy tales. But can be a real tangible (mangejawantah) and not really exist and happen. Starling Kyai a younger ufp technologies brother (sister) Sunan Lawu. On that occasion we had a short interaction and dialog that contains extremely valuable information for me personally. Starling Kyai Wangsa Menggala real name, his real name while Sunan Lawu Dipo Menggolo. He was both a ruler / elders region on the slopes of Mount Lawu about 6 yll century. At the time of the King Brawijaya 5 who accompanied the two men pamomongnya Palon and Ki Ki Sabdo Noyo pamuksan Genggong ufp technologies looking to escape, he was the one who had driven both and show the way kepad Prabu Brawijaya V to find the right place for muksa. Moving on from Cemoro Sewu, up to the peak Lawu through ditches and steep slopes, clearing cluster of forest, up came on one peak, which is referred to as Hargo Dalem (located at an altitude - 3000 + masl). That's where The King did muksa, fused soul with soul, put it together with ngelmu panunggalan, pangracut, sheath manjing suspicious to reach kasampurnan teak. Meanwhile after the King Brawijaya 5 muksa, both spiritualists (pamomong kings of the archipelago) continued climbing up to the Dumiling ufp technologies Hargo around 3200mdpl. That's where he both did muksa. Hargo Dumiling ufp technologies peak just below the summit Lawu Hargo Dumilah located at an altitude of 3265 masl. and followed the King to "sketchy place" mangeja-ing board Alus becoming faint Badranaya Ki Semar village chief as he promised 500 years later after going back mangejawantah less, to accompany her baby who served njejegake cornerstone of the nation. As embodied in the fiber pralampita Jongko Joyoboyo "excerpt fiber hand", that the return of Ki Sabdapalon and Nayagenggong will be marked by the eruption of Mount Merapi to split into two (sigar) in the middle of the crater (2010 eruption), and connected with the Surabaya Madura (longest bridge ).
Hargo Dumilah peak (3265 m asl) is the highest ufp technologies peak of Mount Lawu, where during the dry season temperatures at night can reach minus 5 degrees celsius. Position just adjacent to Market diyeng also called "vicious market" because ufp technologies so many residents of the word alus there. ufp technologies Below market diyeng and spring are peak Hargo Dumilah degrees. In Spring Drajat that (besides Puralaya Kota Gede Agung and Imogiri), became one of the presidential candidates panggemblengan for RI, to become president that is ayom, calm, tentrem, able to provide great blessings to the nation and country.
Back again about Kyai starling (Starling champion) and Sunan Lawu (Mbah Lawu). After he showed ufp technologies the way to Prabu Brawijaya 5, short stories, ufp technologies he ordered

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