Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Can you believe that sometimes she is so beautiful? foem We can not, because we have too many place

Believe it or not, we do not know when you're going to reach the next milestone will happen to your own. We still do not know when our dear friends for the first time to become a member you will be stuck to the people, so to speak, to pierce foem the dimension layer of foam. This is what you are anxiously waiting. You're not waiting for us to do anything. It can be said, but we are waiting for you in that, while we tell you that we do not sit and wait for everything, because every day we are working very hard to work with, one day, all the time, throughout your night, as well as a whole one week (7 * 24 hours). Then we start again with the continuous ongoing activities, we are doing is to help you rushed to open the bubble.
This is what we have done for you every day. We are not going around, relax you do all the work, as we have said, we are here to assist you and the night following the day to help you, as you say, because that is why we are here and we are not here would do anything else until we have completed our task, and began to escort you first ascend through the dimensions of the layers were separated foem for so long with us since. For some of you people, because of the social contacts of your work, life, and with us, with your friends, your family, the higher dimensions of reality, and it is so long. We saw many of you have forgotten us in the ship, the commander of our work on the spacecraft along. If you can remember foem more clearly, you will remember that we are not wandering around, and we work tirelessly, we have a sense of responsibility and sense of honor, foem as our commander and our belief in service to others, and we, you can say in part to others Shi Tzu, though, we did not take it as charity, but you might think so.
We see it as us, is what we should do. It is our life, our hope, our dream, it is our relationship to ourselves and everything, and that is to help others. You may see these, you might begin remember these, many of you people, yes, many of you are members of our headquarters in Astana. Only a few incarnation is not representative of our organization, not the case. You have quite a number, this number may be surprisingly large. We would say that there is about the people in your two to three hundred million people are members of our organization. Are you surprised to make it? This number scare you? This figure is quite multi beyond your imagination yet? We feel that this figure will exceed the proportion you have awakened and have responded to the sacred mission of your imagination that there is, this is your mission in service to others and service of this planet, you might say, "In addition," she is also a presence, is a living, breathing and conscious life, an emotional foem experience life forms.
She's not a rock floating in space, and perhaps many of you may be the thought of such a planet. She is alive. Her breathing through her trees, these are her lungs. She sipped his water and soil to absorb them through her. She and her own ice with sun warms himself. She used the nature foem of AIDS reared their lives, loves her furry animals, insects, birds, fish, a variety of animals foem and humans. This is her love for you and give you a gift. She is only seeking a small return, foem but she paid so much. Do you see that she paid so much? She gave you a home, she gave you shelter, she gave you the material to let you make the clothes, she gave you plenty of food, she gave you enough water, she gave you that you do not protect the clouds are rays of the sun burns and she gives you a warm shelter in the cold period. foem She provides education and entertainment, excitement and adventure for you. She provides mystery and wonder, challenges foem and completely breathtaking beauty for you.
Can you believe that sometimes she is so beautiful? foem We can not, because we have too many places to travel throughout the universe, but we will tell you and she are not many places as beautiful. We want you to remember this, we want you to think that, whenever she and her soil water you pass a factory foem or power plant are contaminated her sky. Remember, when you next see piles of garbage appeared in the fields or in the forest. Remember, when you are driving through a piece of asphalt pavement, blankets being hurt her beautiful children. With this in mind, because we're going to help you to change all this, but we always want you to remember her what happened, we hope you will try to ensure that it will never happen again.
This will ensure that we have because we will never become one in this or in another form, representatives, foem look at you, and you keep in touch, always observe foem the planet in the end what happened, she is a very special foem place . We would say that compared foem to the rest of the whole universe, she is a bit different. We hope that as far as you describe these differences foem and why she is so beautiful and unique. She is so precious, because she built a little bit different. Her upbringing, you might say is a little more complicated, more natural than that the rest of the entire universe foem and being more precious care, because it is in this outpost of the mouth, but beyond this magnificent center of the galaxy, a collection foem of the entire universe Many great ideas, chose this planet, where he established a very special civilization. A place of concentrated life throughout the universe, foem so that each galaxy can come here and join together to become brothers and sisters to become, for the common good, love and service to each other.
It is here, it will be even more of a playground, college, it can be said, more great conference hall, this place will be a different kind of life with all sorts of life together to share their travel, they stories, their history, their culture and their gifts. The planet will become a great place, a great library, a living, breathing and feelings of the library, foem all the people will visit here or live here, you can walk through the forest or direct venue or wear Over the flowers and learn all the different ethnic history and culture, learning the world this whole universe. You may be asking, how can we do this?
Well, how it will do, let's say that you came to the front of a beautiful tree, and the tree will actually begin to speak, if you start with that speech. You will begin to reveal its history, it come from, who is tending it, how she was living and breathing and thinking, she will explain to you the culture and people of their planet and why she was here. So you will walk beside foem the flowers and you'll say hello to them, and they, flowers, would be just to say hello to you. You can ask it what kind of flowers they are, they will tell you. You can ask where they come from, they will explain these things to you. You can ask them is who will bring beautiful flowers here, they will start as you describe the history of their people.
You think? Do you think this is just a wonderful illusion that these trips would like to discuss here the life out of it? Well, this is the truth dear. This is the true history of your planet and we want to give you a surprise. Nothing has changed. This program is not discarded or forgotten, long time since the adoption of wind erosion last days, will not. The plan is still the plan, it is still very viable, and it is possible for you to experience why this planet design and engraving. What would you think? This will make you excited and surprised by it? Can you believe that one day, when you can walk through the forest and with all the different kinds of trees, and they will talk to you recite their history and culture, who brought them here, this beautiful blue on a small planet, majestic floating in your beautiful galaxy edge of it?
We are talking about here is really dear, this is what we saw in the eyes of your planet, until this day. You, Earth, her children, all brothers and sisters, and that the entire planet is house is your home to share with each other. We want you to always remember that, next time you have an opinion to others, foem they may have diverged with you, do you think forcing them with a sharp rhetoric aside or when you would rather hostile backward. We just want to remind you that this home is such a special place, is that you share with them to share the house, if you and other people are not special, you do not come here, because foem only certain people are "chosen." out, you can use the word "choose" if you like, some ancient text that you use the word choice, rather than selection, this is the only difference. We just started using the word selection, but this is your ancient books written by us, is that we choose to use the word choice.
How do you begin to look at who we are out? Yes, dear, we are all those so-called foem "gods" is your Bible, the Koran you, your Pentateuch (the Bible, foem the Old Testament, the Pentateuch), you Egyptian manuscripts, all of you wonderful and beautiful, and many precise aspects of ancient literature, foem spirituality, foem religion, like you said, there are history books and on the stone. Yes, we are "gods", you then call us so, then many of you still use the term God, but you see we do not, this is the only difference. Again, we do not refer to themselves as "gods", perhaps some of us thousands of years ago in the period you dare to do so. This has caused a lot of confusion, as today, foem many of you are still arguing with others, whether there had been a God or gods or false gods, we say to you, this is a fairly simple problem and it is easy to understand .
We Ashtar Command, Galactic Federation of Light is also our brothers and sisters, long before we are all here. We take our craft to travel, you can imagine the scene here, the population is quite compelling, we have advanced technology and tools they had never seen before. foem So naturally, foem they believe that we and they are different, we are exalted high above them, but in any case this is not true, and we hope from today to clarify this point. We are you, how we will work with you any different? We just have the tools and technology, and they have no clothes, because they are, you might say, they are in "infancy", although taking into account foem the thousands of years that you have been here for tens of thousands of years, of course, not a baby, No, but on the technical side is true, you are at a stage of development, like a child, because you fall into the great "down", you might say, or, more accurately, are lagging behind.
Yes, this is some of you are called on the ancient literature of "fallen man." "Fallen man" foem is not your journey here, or you cause or reason you came here, here, and we hope this clear. In the history of the fallen person you its time, when a disaster cause you to fall into the ocean when an advanced society, led many of you to start everything from scratch, you have to re-learn and re-learn how agriculture hunting and gathering and fishing, and how domesticated animals and re-learning how to treat each other, cooperate with each other, socialize, you see, what happened here is a tragedy, only a handful of you know that when this happens there will be a return cycle, foem because you so much knowledge and progress, and the essence of fall into the ocean abyss has been lost.
Honey, are you more clearly understand about today? Do you see a description of your history and just a huge mistake story, an erring story, a fictional novel? You never primitive human beings on this planet. You are not your scholars and historians and archaeologists claim that caves and primitive savages, it is obscene, it is a lie. You are very advanced bio from the many different planets in the universe, is civilized representatives of these planets foem are your brothers and sisters, those who offend, defamatory describe the history of your people, a call to your ancestors; caveman. This is blasphemous you described in ancient books. This is blasphemous.
That is why we, together with you to do, do not worry, for those of you who believe that we will remove some of these ancient books written description of there, in most cases, foem all you read the actual text should be life on this planet breathe life again in most cases, we will say their lives and their stories will be very accurately described, yes. How do you think? Today we are happy to see you to discuss with each other and we are involved in, and if it makes you a surprise, then, to talk about their feelings. Do you really think the story in the Bible is in your novels do, is imaginative fantasy, or whether you think these books are just to control you just write, so cabal writers hired by them?
We say to you is not the case, many of these stories are quite accurate in large part, is the true history and many of you brothers and sisters of life, and may even be that you have returned here today by the incarnation of the form again there are around you. In this regard you think? You excited yet? Do you think you surprised? Do you think this will comfort you? Well, we'll tell you, we do not want any surprises destroy the next day ready for you, but we will say, of course, you have many people in your elegant presence known so many pages in the book, such as the Bible In today's world you walking, living, breathing, thinking and feeling. They are your brothers and sisters, they may even be a member of our organization or our brothers and sisters, the Galactic Federation of Light.
How do you treat it? Whether you'll be amazed at some of the major in your history, biblical characters are a member of our two organizations into it? We think this will surprise many of you, we feel that this will cause some huge protests, some of you are reading these words, because for some reason still do not believe that these historical figures is our alliance members. We asked you what leads you to believe in these. Do you really foem believe it, because they did thousands of years ago to help people do so much to help fellow brothers and sisters, then why would they finally give up continue to inspire them? Do you really foem think they transferred to other practices and way of life in it? Or do you think they are, as long as there is a chance it will, we should come back here to continue to do their thing inspire, motivate them and make them feel alive and to be back here, in love and kindness and service to others, continue their "mission" of it? Yes, you now get connected?
They are a group of people, men and women, thousands of years ago from one town to another, walking on your dry planet scorched earth, to teach them the truth to those who are willing to listen. They preach a better way and they have the good will to the people to share the hope that the information love, peace and prosperity, every man, including

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