Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Good Wednesday everyone I considered actually going to Trondheim today, but chose postpone it for

Good Wednesday everyone I considered actually going to Trondheim today, but chose postpone it for a few days. Instead, I spent the day in the apartment, and grieved that all his clothes be ready to join on tour again. Kjell is back home after training, and we are preparing on identifying the child in us. Despicable Me 2 is finally out on DVD today, and guess who was frstemann Video tavern? Haha - it was none other than us, of course. The plans today s virtually no, so I guess Trondheim packing can begin. We'll be gone for a while, so there are a lot of carry. Kjell Rune runs upward No. treningsmned past is over, s as before we luckily with a little extra in the car. Have a very fine day for as long! You twist the movie ;-)
Easter Julie Christiansen's me. Is a 21-year-old trondheim girl who has chosen to follow chilly all the way to Oslo. In August came vr little treasure to the world, and on the blog you can follow foam sheet my exciting life as a young and modern smbarnsmamma. For contact or any question: julie.christiansen @ foam sheet

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