Sunday, December 29, 2013

Hi .. ^ _ ^ The first time I saw this species pudding .. err, I mean this is the kind of foam in tv

Hi & Hello To All Viewers .. Thank you willing to travel to here. Blog this story often told story about everyday life, cooking, tips and tutorials are also basic kitchen resepi.Diselitkan that may be useful for those who are in confusion when they wanted to make certain menu2 .. The language in this blog is informal and relaxed nature. No copy paste 2 pictures without permission ye .. all images are the property and non-proprietary HaSue everyone .. Each comment is greatly appreciated and reciprocated sure if the opportunity .. If I did not even respond graupappe tu yea do not get mad .. It stopped again .. ^ _ ^
Hi .. ^ _ ^ The first time I saw this species pudding .. err, I mean this is the kind of foam in tv, cooking shows I've forgotten what tah. He made watermelon pudding, already see people do that just unraveled how the previous watermelon pudding tu ever look at that Ramadan bazaar made .. apparently he Kaler 'fill' watermelon .. tu first pass already frozen, invert the bowl he tu .. sir he Kaler 'skin' watermelon tu .. Going into the cyber world, the most known is the foam pudding recipe from Kak Nor .. that comes from website .. 'Misconduct' recipes jer tu kak nor time to try .. I was so confident jer .. wanna try it before I tried pudding queen gak .. he does so only so far I do not mahir2 lagik.ahak jer .. Zhariff most like to eat this foam agar2 haa .. after a feed, feed more .. best jack saw him eat .. hehe .. lagi2 kaler2 tu attention he probably .. as usual la kalo yana see cake or pudding kaler2 tu ni want to cut him sing hepi besday ago .. haha Actually graupappe I want perabis agar2 stock powder in gobok tu ... sukaa want to make a renewed old recipes .. but nor sister, but tapiii ... I HAD fallen seal undetermined reason about agar2 stock and eggs are in different sizes .. chet! agar2 I gini .. this is the time we want him available 12g 10g 10g .. kalo want that, no jer .. stocks 12g eh? ngan agar2 been angry all .. tah pape jack rights of Nih laa .. incident strainer unskilled people do cam nih haa .. I saw the batter sit bersimpuh2 gitu ngah tu .. taknak so completely pudding bubbles .. he also want to post so agar2 .. The little orange foam tu jer almost completely .. Other Kaler, who sat bersila2 cam kat religious prayers have been gak tuh .. haihh .. Stress shop around! But after seeing the name of this recipe nor sister, did he say "agar2 layered foam" was kannnn. . Aaa, which is really good for meng'kaver 'I graupappe nih.heee dessert scene .. kak nor angry. : P Apa2pun thanks to kak nor the share recipes nih .. kak hanieliza've got gak share her version .. please refer the link given with their name tu yer .. For future reference, ask permission nor yer sis .. want Paste recipe here anyway .. AGAR-AGAR LAYER foam recipe: K.Nor @ SecubitGaram By: Ingredients: graupappe 1 packet agar2 powder (12gm) - hasue use 10g 850 ml water 3 eggs bj ~ Take A white only - hasue use 4 egg whites seed size B 145 gm sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla essence 2 pandan leaves coloring the option Method: Cook water with sugar, agar2 and pandan leaves to a boil. Then add the vanilla essence. Beat egg whites until fluffy betul2 (if reversed bowls, eggs do not fall) Wet tray to be used with a bit of water (remove excess water) Take a spoon and a ladle of batter agar2 YG already beaten egg whites last. Enter liked coloring and mix well. Pour into pan and spread evenly. Repeat the above eg, take a spoon and a ladle of batter agar2 egg whites, add another coloring and mix well. Pour over first layer in berhati2 earlier. Ulanglah until exhausted all agar2 and egg white mixture. Let it cool agar2 then put in the fridge. Allow to cool and then be served. Good Luck .... Tips From Kak Nor: * for speeding up the process of hardening agar2 after superimposed, use a bigger piece tray and fill the water (can also put some ice cubes). then place the tray loaded want last agar2 dip tu pan filled with water. this method will accelerate superimposed agar2 last set. * For producing agar2 who does not separate between a coating layer with the others, mixing batter and egg whites agar2 and colorings should be cepat2 ya .. :) * Preferably want to pour the next layer, pour over the back of a spatula YG placed on the sides of the pan. Cast in perlahan2 and do not cast direct tengah2 kat batter. Normally the center is a bit slow to harden (this to avoid the batter terjerlus to the previous layer) Make pudding fan of this foam, sila2 yer laa .. try it yourself very easily je tu .. do malas2 ... gi and sugar boiled graupappe agar2 pastu Beat egg white until frozen jer .. (basic nyer la .. hehe ..) superimposed time tu JAP hard problem because I want to wait buh the freezer, the ice cube container at the top seal that.

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