Thursday, April 17, 2014

According to the OC, the art form common start date in the Renaissance, when nuns and monks often t

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According to the OC, the art form common start date in the Renaissance, when nuns and monks often twisted gilded paper and decorate religious objects like a substitute for gold items it's expensive. By the 18th and 19th centuries, origami spiral has become the favorite pastime of the British ladies, their creative items for ornate furniture and candles from the twisted paper.
Basically, the process of paper folding twists include several stages such as cut paper, roll it with a special tool ... It sounds pretty roll no 21 simple, but requires new skills adept at creating shapes high as the leaves, arrowheads, rings. Despite over a long period of time, but origami twisted almost nothing changed. But now, with the help of special devices roll no 21 and novel, enabling the paper twisted masters create roll no 21 anything from 3-D characters to the large museums.

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