Monday, April 14, 2014

This entry was posted on March 6, 2014 at 4:43 pm and is filed under Journalism, Professional page

Waste paper in Civil Engineering: Gospel literature began genuine artistic rebirth. | She Dam bat
Ago, four, five years Publisher foam symmetry Scrap decision not need a license in the state for a series of literary value in the country and the world (such as the group Open Mouth poems, poetry CHEC CHEC writer Nguyen Dinh Chinh, taboo novels of the socialist bloc: Animal Farm by writers of Indian descent and is currently foam symmetry preparing to publish a number of works of literature have different values), It has more Civil Engineering Publisher for printing also works without license of the state with the first book was published novel by writer Nguyen Hoang Minh Gas Report, this novel has been the agency State management publication ban less than a month ago.
This is a step of power to people in Vietnam have come back every citizen should have the responsibility and obligation to enforce the Constitution, "to do what the law does not prohibit (Year Message 2014 TT Nguyen Tan Dung). In fact, the Constitution of Vietnam unprecedented foam symmetry provision prohibiting freedom of thought including freedom to publish. But this is not the unprecedented state enforcement of state which was contrary to the provisions of the Constitution, and held a huge apparatus from local to central prohibit freedom to publish.
A long time, printing require permits, which are permitted by the state, has led to the literature (in particular) of the country in recent decades only "seems" is the rough picture shortsighted way of illustrating the authorities with false figures, sufficient enough to blow people fly up or vice versa. In a nutshell it only works for publishing false slanders life. Therefore, a "kind of glory" of the country's cultural, writer Nguyen Khai, end of life have screamed "Go find something I've lost," and when recognition "Victory Medal" is a literary prize Ho Chi Minh City, he had pity, shame coal: ... "this is the tombstone lifetime luxury plug up an office was coming to an end right."
The Civil Air Publishers publicly and exercise and actual publication has published, that is, "said walk the walk", obviously, this is a next step towards democracy after scrap paper in the liberal publisher of scrap paper before publishing it just quietly leads statement decent gas before publication.
This entry was posted on March 6, 2014 at 4:43 pm and is filed under Journalism, Professional page spread three miles. You can keep track of all this feedback with the Feedback foam symmetry RSS 2.0. You can send feedback, or trackback foam symmetry from your site. 7 responses foam symmetry to "From Scrap to Civil Engineering: Gospel literature began genuine artistic rebirth." FROM "Scrap" TO "PEOPLE'S GAS": HAPPY literature true art begins at birth ( She Dam bat) | Ngoclinhvugia's Blog says: March 7th, 2014 at 2:20 am | Reply
[...] From Scrap to Civil Engineering: Gospel literature of true art ... She Dam bat began March 6, 2014 Ago, four, five years Vunquyet Publishing foam symmetry Paper should not permit the state to print a series of literary foam symmetry value in the country and the world (such as the group Open Mouth poems, poetry chec CHEC writer Nguyen Dinh Chinh, taboo novels of the socialist bloc: Animal Farm by writers of Indian descent and is currently preparing to publish a number of literary value to another), Publishers now have more Civil Engineering works well for printing foam symmetry without foam symmetry a state license to publish the first book was a novel by writer Nguyen foam symmetry Hoang Minh Gas Report, this novel has been the governing foam symmetry body State prohibits publishing less than a month ago. This is a step of power to people in Vietnam have come back every citizen should have the responsibility and obligation to enforce the Constitution, "to do what the law does not prohibit (Year Message 2014 TT Nguyen Tan Dung). In fact, the Constitution of Vietnam unprecedented provision prohibiting freedom of thought including freedom to publish. But this is not the unprecedented state enforcement of state which was contrary to the provisions of the Constitution, and held a huge apparatus from local to central prohibit freedom to publish. A long time, printing require permits, which are permitted by the state, has led to the literature (in particular) of the country in recent decades only "seems" is the rough picture shortsighted way of illustrating the authorities with false figures, foam symmetry sufficient enough to blow people fly up or vice versa. In a nutshell it only works for publishing false slanders life. Therefore, a "kind of glory" of the country's cultural, writer Nguyen Khai, end of life have screamed "Go find something I've lost," and when

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