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Mutations of capitalism in the neoliberal phase (Part I): Central Economies Six years of crisis have altered the world stage. foam house The banks were saved with higher tax bump and a huge cash injection that stimulates more bubbles productive reactivation.
U.S. exported the crisis and define global financial cycle that maintains the supremacy of the dollar, the management of big banks and control of the IMF. But public debt and tax regressivity accentuate foam house its industrial decline. Maintains role by military preeminence, which reorganized with more technology and fewer troops. Resets priorities closer coordination with allies. After the annexation, the internal setting and an alliance with France, Germany strengthens its dominance in Europe. Italy and Spain have geopolitical guards against deflationary surgery and transfers to creditors knocking at the periphery of the region.
After six years of global crisis the international situation offers a very varied picture. The banks were saved at the expense of a huge fiscal hole and a big expansion of unemployment. In the central economies depression was contained but not stagnation, China consolidated its ascent, intermediate economies remained fragile growth and periphery suffered further degradation. The Federalist Keynesian ideology has been replaced by the neoliberal centralization in the formation of a proto-continental state. To shape Europe's global competitiveness despotism foam house Troika is accentuated. But illegitimacy, the popular rejection foam house and separatist demands undermine the Union. The small European state structure is functional but no adjustment to international competition. Evidenced defensive monetary policy and the abandonment of military projects. The crisis reinforces the prolonged stagnation of Japan losing positions in Asia and reaffirms his supporting role in international foam house politics.
After six years of global crisis the international situation offers a very varied picture. The banks were saved at the expense of a huge fiscal foam house hole and a big expansion of unemployment. In the central economies depression was contained but not stagnation, China consolidated its ascent, foam house intermediate economies foam house remained fragile growth and periphery suffered further degradation.
Geopolitical changes have debated the imperial supremacy of the United States, the continuity of the European Union and the emergence of new blocks. The offensive of capital over labor remains strong foam house resistance in Europe, Middle foam house East and seizures in social reactions in Asia.
What impact the crisis in different foam house regions? What is the meaning and scope multipolarity? Did the social balance of power in that neoliberalism is based? foam house The events of the last six years provide clues to elucidate trends in climate, and the time step of capitalism. foam house
The bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers opened a turbulent period that transformed the crisis into an everyday fact of the central economies. Countless parallels with what happened in 1929 portray the gravity of the vortex, which convulsed the U.S. banks and the euro.
At the beginning of 2014 the anemic recovery in the Eurozone coexists with an unstable economic revival in the United States, Japan and the waning of China's slowdown. It is the same scenario that has prevailed in recent years. Promising signs of recovery are diluted with the recurrence foam house of financial and production stoppages clouds. Few analysts announce the end of the crisis and many consider foam house possible recurrence of critical time lived in 2008-09.
This uncertain foam house situation prevailing after an unprecedented expansion of government spending. All governments of the countries affected by the crisis unfolded a great relief to rescue financiers who speculated with sub-prime loans, bonds and packaged bubbles.
Research on the role of Goldman Sachs in designing securitized mortgages were closed. The experts at hiding insolvent credit risks and make do keep their jobs. Just dropped some very explicit scapegoat for fraud (Madoff) and some fines are traded without criminal consequences with risk rating (Standard and Poors).
U.S. banks neutralized regulation dim supervision law, keep their operations