We know you want to have the maximum experience in the Hell & Heaven Metal Fest Corona, so to not have major problems, we invite you to read the following paragraphs to know everything including your access to the event, along with those basic services that regardless of the attractions, will make your stay more comfortable within the facility.
The festival area (scenarios, food and beverage area, souvenir sales area and recreational areas) will open its doors on Saturday, March 15th at 11:00 am, the bands started playing at 12:00 pm, the 2 scenarios main stop ringing around 1:00 am each day and will be evicted polystyrene boxes 1 hour after the food and beverage areas and the Monster Horror Dungeon Stage and remain open until 4:00 am.
We enabled ample food options polystyrene boxes open in the early hours of the day for all attendees to breakfast, lunch and dinner without drawbacks, we will have a wide and varied, from classic foods like tacos, pizzas and burgers, to snacks light and of course we have referred polystyrene boxes meatless options for vegetarians. There will be various placed bars around the stage and grounds of the festival with sale of beer and hard liquor, polystyrene boxes alcohol sales will be strictly for adults and will need to submit an ID compulsory basis, polystyrene boxes likewise we suggest and we emphasize they do not drink if you are driving at the end of the day.
We will have enough toilets scattered around the territory of the festival, these baths counted polystyrene boxes with toilet but equal role we recommend you bring your own, we will also have bathrooms disability friendly, the bathrooms are free and we ask you to help us keep them clean, is not allowed urinating or defecating outside the bathrooms and anyone caught doing so will be expelled from the festival.
In case of any mishap we located polystyrene boxes several medical polystyrene boxes aid throughout our facilities, if for some reason you manage polystyrene boxes to locate your nearest point of medical assistance feel free to ask any member of our staff or our security team, they will be willing to help you and take you to the nearest ambulance at any time.
USE YOUR COMMON SENSE, we hope this year the weather favors us and have no weather mishap and the sun shine in our festival, and if so, do not underestimate the heat of the sun, wearing sunscreen and apply it regularly, tomato some time to exit the suffocation and exhaustion after so headbanging to front of the stage, sweating makes you lose fluid, constantly Hydrate, drink water and soft drinks, we know it's sad but you can not live alone beer, beer and alcohol do not restore your fuids, however contain dehydrating elements, so remember ... TAKE WATER!.
BE CAREFUL WITH YOUR POSSESSIONS, try not to carry things polystyrene boxes of great value to the festival, if you do not keep them well protected and keep your wallet in your back pocket or where you can easily pull.
WILL CONTROL AND SECURITY, when you come to our festival will make a safety check and withdraw polystyrene boxes things you can not enter if you refuse you will be denied access, sorry but this ensures more security for all our visitors during the festival have surveillance cameras so there's a good chance that if you do something you are engraving.
Weapons, any kind of drugs, sharp objects, glass objects, paint cans, glass bottles or plastic audiovisual recording equipment and cameras (without prior written consent of THE FESTIVAL), folding chairs, poles, umbrellas not retractable and oversized polystyrene boxes foam blocks polyestireno, polystyrene boxes mini fridges, coolers, backpacks too big, animals, candles, gas burners, torches and fireworks, clothing, flags or other objects that explicitly express membership in any political movement , social or religious aggressive polystyrene boxes and intolerant ideologies other way.
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