Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Cellophane tape filament foam head Grease pencil polyester cotton blue lace pins scissors obegrass

How to make a full lace wig
Wigs used to be a measure of wealth. Today, cancer patients and others who have lost their hair or want to replace are used to help assist the movie industry, as well. A full lace wig takes patience and skill. It's the kind of wig that looks very real.
Cellophane tape filament foam head Grease pencil polyester cotton blue lace pins scissors obegrass anticell finest lace Hackle leather holding paper card needle fishing hook small comb synthetic hair Measuring the client's head wrap cellophane around her head, twisting the cellophane next to the earlobes. obegrass anticell Place filament tape on the cellophane wrap, layer it four times to create a head to work with. Elevate the cast of the client's head and place it on the foam head. Use a grease pencil to trace the cast ready. Create the hairline on the foam block. Cut a piece of blue paper on the design you drew on the foam head and blame the foam head. Place a large piece of cotton lace polyester foam on the head and cut around the outline of the blue paper. Pin the lace cotton foam head. Take a strand and blame the front of the foam head in the back of the foam head. Be sure to get the edges too. Take two colors of synthetic hair. Choose a base color and then a color for highlights. Put the base of the hair hackle color. Place the cursor highlighted on the hackle. Drag the hair through the pen to mix. Turn and turn tail hair to help blend hair. When mixed, teasing feather and cut off any excess hair. This will ensure you have the best quality hair for your wig. Put the hair in leather metal pins of the card. The first letter with the letter below the safety device. Take a small amount of hair from the skin with a small needle board fishing hook. Tying the threads in the cord, as you would a rug hook. Start down the neck and work your way up the front. This will make the wig look more real. Comb the hair of his wig when you have a handful of put on the wig. Cut the strand that will not show under the hair. Tips & Warnings
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