Thursday, January 9, 2014

As we all know makhlum, any mention of Sacrifice, Memory definitely focused on the worship of sacri

As we all know makhlum, any mention of Sacrifice, Memory definitely focused on the worship of sacrifice apart from the pilgrimage. Ita sure many of us who perform religious sacrifices this year.
Many hadiths that talk about the sacrifice of worship, including the hadith of A'ishah, the Prophet said: Which means: "There is not a practice of the son of Adam in the days Nahar (The days of 'Eid al-Adha) the most God like apart from shedding of blood (slaughter ), because flight case foam it (animal sacrifice) will come on the Day of Judgement with horns and claws and feathers (as a witness on his master korban), and indeed blood (animal sacrifice) will be spilled in the sight of Allah in a place before spilled into the earth, so choose the best animal gods (most interesting) to be sacrificed. "(Hadith narrated by Hakim, Ibn Majah and Tirmizi and regarded as Hasan Gharib Hadith) The Prophet's companions asked:" O Prophet, what is meant by Udhiyyah? "Prophet replied:" That is the sunnah of your father Abraham. "Companions asked: "What are we going to get from Udhiyyah worship?" He replied: "Every piece of fur (of the sacrificed animal) you will get a benefit." (Narrated by Ahmad and Ibn Majah) "Whoever is given the facilities, so memampukan him to sacrifice , but he does not want to sacrifice, then let him not approach our place of prayer (mosques) this. "(Narrated flight case foam by Ahmad and Ibn Majah) (see verses of the Quran Surah al-Haj: 36-37)
Celebration of Eid Al-Adha Eid celebration semeriah not. In Johor ita sense, normal speech and moderation. Moreover, this year's celebration of Eid Al-Adha flight case foam falls on a Friday, so all Muslims perform congregational prayers 2 today, the Eid Al-Adha flight case foam prayers and Friday prayers.
Hari Raya Aidil Adha ita usually at home. Preparing meals for the children flight case foam who go on vacation. Today ni ita prepared rice biryani. Recipes ni ita i see the recipes. Preparation of rice recipes natural glue lending Muar Johor. How to cook nasi briyani gam ni, there is little variation in rice oil. How to serve it is also a little different. Nasi briyani gam ni, is well known in the state, each time gatherings or marriage ceremony will certainly serve nasi briyani rice glue other than oil. Usually people prefer Johor biryani rice if the rice compare with oil, may be largely a result of more delicious biryani rice glue with a tantalizing aroma buatakan they love it. Recipe shared by i this recipe ita watering. Berianinya relish delicious enough to make the kids lick the fingers. Smell the aroma of biryani rice is also quite alluring to eagerly kids want to enjoy this dish, did not have time to make ita-did not even posingkan this menu .. Thank you for sharing the recipe i-watering recipes this.
For the preparation of biryani rice, we should relish Briyani prepared in advance. Because we will cook our rice with gravy was later. How am ready want to learn how biryani rice preparation flight case foam of the original? Let's follow the ita in the kitchen ..
Biryani flight case foam dishes to relish flight case foam Ingredients 1 kilo Briyani flight case foam stem nut meat cut approximately 6x6x5 cm ~ 5 ~ halved potatoes 8 hard boiled eggs cup of ghee / ghee 1 tsp cardamom 1 inch cinnamon stick 1 star anise 5 teaspoons flight case foam tea fennel seeds 2 large onions sliced Holland ~ ~ 5 cloves garlic minced 10 cloves of minced red onion 1 inch ginger flight case foam ~ ~ minced 6 tbsp spice beriyani handful of raisins handful of cashew adequate water 1 cup yogurt / yogurt ~ if not Squeeze 2 seed lime in 1 glass of milk and leave 15 minutes Salt and sugar to taste 1 or 2 tablespoons tomato puree 1 piece of palm sugar plus 1 ~ ita ~ ita add meat cubes Pijarkan ghee in a pan, sauté onions sliced, blended and all Measles spices (cinnamon etc) until fragrant Add the paste and let beriyani Briyani Spices oil rises if the powder mixed with a little water to make a paste Add beef, potatoes, meat cubes and water ~ 1 inch above the meat and potatoes. Let it simmer When the meat already flight case foam overstuffed, add tomato puree and yoghurt Let it simmer flight case foam for a while then maukkan salt, and sugar to taste Reduce heat, add raisins, cashew nuts and boiled eggs Cook until the meat warm.
GAM briyani Ingredients for rice 5 cups basmati rice 1 cup ghee / ghee 1 tsp cardamom 1 inch cinnamon stick 1 star anise 5 teaspoons fennel seeds half a teaspoon of coma coma / saffron 4 cloves garlic, finely chopped ~ 10 ~ shallots finely chopped 1 inch ginger finely chopped flight case foam ~ 3 tbsp spice

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