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The Japanese space agency, JAXA, and the company Nitto Semio has spent the past years developing a metallic mesh that folds out into space and sending nomex honeycomb bolts, nuts and other debris into the atmosphere. Next month it will be unfolded from a satellite in orbit.
The web is made of thin wires of stainless nomex honeycomb steel and aluminum. It is a mile long and 30 centimeters wide, and at first the scientists will just fold it out and then put electricity into it and make it magnetic, writes Space Daily.
"We started working on the project about five years ago, and we are all very excited to see the results of this first test," nomex honeycomb said the chief engineer Koji Ozaki of Nitto Seimo to the South China Morning Post.
Experts estimate that there are about 100 million pieces nomex honeycomb of scrap in the room, everything from small nuts to large metal parts. Each time a collision occurs, increases in debris, and concern for the many fragments are such. taken seriously on the International Space Station, where scientists constantly monitor and move the station to avoid collisions.
Send a look at Nasa telescope 30 milliseconds nomex honeycomb from clashes with Russian space debris nomex honeycomb 08 May 2013 ESA requires periodic cleaning of the room 01 May 2013 Russian satellite destroyed by the Chinese space debris 11 March 2013 Read also
I guess it's supposed to network in some way, deflect "dirt", nomex honeycomb but such a network would probably in itself be a source of additional space debris if it is exposed to collisions?
The satellite mission is to capture the network on which Japan sent up in 2014 with the aim to catch debris. nomex honeycomb The network was as familiar even space debris, then had a collision with a stray Indian satellite. Since then, the network has several times been dangerously close to the International Space Station.
In other news threatens the North Korean military today with attacks of U.S. bases in the country's southern neighbor. The reason is that the country's latest pride and their spy satellite, yesterday was shot down by "evil forces" that North Korean state TV put it. U.S. defense authorities reject the claim. "
How would you do it magnetically by "energizing it"? Power must surely then run in a circuit, thereby creating an electromagnet? Where does the power come from? And would not it be easier and cheaper to make the network of permanent magnetic materials? Was my first thoughts when I read the article. And as usual, there is no link to the source material. But it takes google:
The electricity generated by the tether as it swings through the Earth's magnetic field förväntas having a Slowing effect on the space junk, som ska, scientists say, pull it into a lower and lower orbit.
And then it turns out that the idea is that the elongated metal mesh itself will create electricity when it moves through the earth's magnetic field. Here's a clip from the original article: The electricity generated by the tether as it swings through the Earth's magnetic field förväntas having a Slowing effect nomex honeycomb on the space junk, som ska, scientists say, pull it into a lower and lower orbit.
To the extent that the net is not just blue light is supposed enough to use power as a way to bring satellites faster out of the circuit without using fuel. The currents induced in the network of earth's magnetic field will be marketed as heat in the grid and energy to it will be taken from the network kinetic energy and thus slow down the network.
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