A lot of people complain and complain now. Prices are a tendency to exaggerate. First if you go to the market carrying Rs 50, can buy all sorts. But now new've packing material reached a live poultry remaining coins in hand. Costly ... It haii .. Multiplied packing material expensive when the monsoon season. Vegetables are expensive, expensive fish, chicken and meat was expensive jugak .. aduyaiii .. Remembering the past ita small, if in our village never buy chicken. To eat chicken'll have to catch chickens in the coop. If you've missed the morning chicken, address'll have to chase village ..
Vegetable been no need to buy, when the monsoon season like this, mom always cooked vegetables village packing material aje .. fat cooking tapioca, cinnamon packing material shoots, Turi, papaya shoots, fern shoots, all delicious aje when the monsoon packing material season. The most delicious boiled potatoes dipped in sauce saute .. reach full night .. Mom always packing material the message, let bebudi on the ground .. when to bother .. can also make the stomach lining kids. When you live in the city .. manalah want land to farm. More so for those who live in flats. Manalah can chickens on the flats .. yes no?
When itâ commemorative commemorative, like fate manalah those on low incomes. Children also want to ask bederet bowl of rice. Do not want to pay-up .. but the price of everything goes up .. Not to mention packing material the added rise of electricity, water, fuel, sugar .. this public transport fares going up too well .. manalah want to live like this .. if macm The end of the year was about to set up a children's school equipment, the fees and training books that will go up as well as price. For those who ride the school bus .. already be ready with the new fare .. if the daughter alone .. still can survive .. if already in train .. ajelah wait .. she said .. Now we have to save, not much is wasted. Moreover, when prices are rising. Previously, mother ita always talks about the difficulties experienced during the Japanese war. To get secupak packing material rice was difficult. Reasons tu mom loves gardening, abstinence is a neck of land .. there is only do I have to plant. Sometimes there is no soil to plant in mother biscuit tin. Planting chillies, red peppers, packing material long beans, okra beans .. said mom if crowded-crowded .. can also do dishes.
Mom was always taught sewing and want a way ita patch a torn shirt. Mom told love football tu .. still intact and can be worn .. My siblings share clothes, the eldest sister down to younger siblings. Rarely buy school clothes. The sisters have normal wear. Simply, ni ita little difficult because of the ni ita little bit chubby, so itâ shirt sister usually does not fit. When mom buy ita football, there's a jealous .. dear mother said itâ more .. actually not like that .. because it does not fit ita akak shirt. Sometimes want to offend my sister, despite the narrow and tight ita adopted jugak lah .. so no one complained. Ita not have the heart to see the worst-worst mother worked for the cake to buy us new clothes. packing material
Their children now want to understand the difficult predicament of parents. Sometimes we as parents do not want to show distress in children. Fearing packing material they are disturbed emotionally. Time-kecik first kecik ita, ita my parents always packing material remind your children to be aware of the lack of life. We can not compare ourselves and our lives with others whose lives luxurious. packing material Ita father said no fun if you want a shortcut, we have berusahasa and be diligent. The TV will not come flying round and will not come easy. Because the father ita never sit still, always working day and night .. increasing in many of our family ..
MEE Hainanese 1 kg yellow mee or mee tiau half kg of chicken meat in small pieces 1/2 kg beef in betel trunks cut into small 10 Material prawns 4 cloves minced garlic 8 shallots 15 dried chillies ~ cut into small pieces and soak 1 inc inc ginger shrimp paste 1 Sauce 2 tablespoons oyster sauce 3 tablespoons soy sauce 2 tablespoons sweet soy sauce 1 tablespoon cornstarch salt in the mix with a half cup water 1 cube chicken or beef cubes salt and sugar to taste 1 bunch mustard green vegetables 1 slice cabbage 1/2 carrot sticks 1 pack 'baby corn' 2 sprigs coriander leaves and spring onions 2 limes 2 tomatoes ~ Shop 4 If using meat rod nut no need to boil. But if other meat stewed until tender basis Blend all ingredients until smooth. Pijarkan oil in a wok and stir fry until fragrant then add the meat and poultry. Cook until the meat was tender. Add water if the gravy is dry. Put cubes, chicken or beef, oyster sauce, soy sauce sweet and salty soy sauce. Add the tomato pieces on 4 sides Perasakan salt and sugar then add the hard vegetables first like, carrots and corn bud Let the sauce simmer. If you like the gravy thickens may enter the cornstarch mixture.
Normal ita
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