Friday, January 3, 2014

ResipiMasakanKini share Tasty Recipes Prawn Sambal. Tasty Recipes Shrimp Sambal this is one special

Ingredients: 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour 2-3 cups of fresh milk handful of coarsely ground black pepper. 2 tablespoons sliced mushroom 2 tablespoons soy sauce 1-2 bay leaf Salt to taste 1/4 chicken stock cubes Method: 1. Melt butter in a sauce pan 2. When butter melts, add flour and stir well. 3. When you've put fresh foamy milk, black pepper, mushroom, bay leaf & chicken stock cubes. 4. Stir until thick. 5. Add soy sauce and salt & black peppernya, clue less spicy add more. 6. Turn off the heat after boiling, cook yummy clue yet quite old little heat.
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ResipiMasakanKini share Tasty Recipes Prawn Sambal. Tasty Recipes Shrimp Sambal this is one special menu for dishes ma ...
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