Sunday, April 12, 2015

A heat source is less messy but far more dangerous to thaw frozen pipes is a propane torch equipped

How to repair pipes | OutSourceHouse
Most plumbing problems occur on or near fixtures such as sinks, tubs, and toilets. Sometimes, however, the pipes themselves are the root of the problem. Pipes can be unpredictable - they can leak, sweat, freeze, or make loud noises.
All kinds of plumbing leaks. Some flood your home, while others are almost as damaging. Your method of preventing a leak depends on the type of leak it. If the leak at the joint, tighten the joint. If the leak in a pipe, remove the part that is leaking and replace it with a new section. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done.
For example, when you turn galvanized steel pipe threaded to Unscrew from installed on one end, you tighten the pipe is installed on the other end. With copper pipe, the new section in sweat-soldered in place. Most new jobs are left pipe to the best plumber, but do-it-yourselfer like, you may consider an alternative: packaging foam the pipe patch.
You will find a piece packages for leaks in the plumbing hardware store, or you can make your own with a piece of heavy rubber inner tube of a C-clamp old. Another possibility is to use a hose clamp with rubber piece. Factory-made kits contain a rubber pad that goes over the hole in the pipe and metal plates that compress the rubber pad over the hole. A quick and easy way to prevent water leaks, patch kit can even be used on a permanent basis if the pipe is otherwise sound.
Other quick and easy temporary measures for preventing leakage pipe wrapping tape includes waterproof over the bad spot or rubbing the hole with a stick of special compound. Applying epoxy paste or inserting a self-tapping plug into the hole are other alternatives. When using waterproof tape, be sure to dry the pipe thoroughly before you start wrapping.
Start the tape about 2-3 inches from the hole and extend the same distance beyond. For small leaks in pipes, use a compound stick available at most hardware stores. Simply rub the stick over the hole to stop the leak. The composite stick even small prevent leaks while the water is still running in the pipe. Epoxy paste can be applied only to dry pipes, and the water must be turned off.
The problem with all of these solutions is that a pipe that's bad enough packaging foam to spring packaging foam a leak often starts 1 drop elsewhere too. You may install one point only to see the pipe burst somewhere else. Especially in cases where the leak results from corrosion, the whole section of pipe will probably need to change. This is typical for a professional plumber job.
Sometimes there is so much water dripping from the pipe you certainly have been dropped somewhere. On closer examination, however, packaging foam you may find that there is no leak but rather sweating, or condensation, on the pipe.
Sweating occurs when the water inside the pipe is much colder than surrounding humid air. During the summer, the natural ambient air is hot; in the winter, the air is heated by the furnace. packaging foam In either case, when warm, moist air reaches packaging foam cold pipes, drops of moisture form and drip as if it was a small hole in the pipe.
You may think your entire plumbing system in order to work perfectly and there is little or no chance of a burst pipe flooding your house. One situation, however, you may not have considered. Water that freezes during the winter in vulnerable pipe expansion, and the expansion pipe rupture an otherwise packaging foam sound.
A frozen pipe is always inconvenience, but in fact it can lead to much more serious than just a temporary loss of water. By taking the appropriate preventative measures, may never need to worry about thawing frozen pipes, or worse, repairing packaging foam a pipe that flooded when the water is frozen solid.
Step 2: Start thawing pipe (see pipe-thawing options below) packaging foam at faucet, and work back toward other end of frozen section. As you melt ice, water and steam will come out open faucet. If you started in the middle, could steam produced by melting ice are still building and weight enough to burst the pipe.
Probably the most popular and safest pipe-thawing option is to use hot water. packaging foam Wrap and secure packaging foam heavy towel or burlap bag around pipe to concentrate and hold heat against it. Place a bucket under pipe to catch runoff, pour boiling hot water or a towel.
A heat source is less messy but far more dangerous to thaw frozen pipes is a propane torch equipped with a flame-spreading nozzle. With this heat source, you must be extremely ova

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