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In the April issue of HOME INFO read: Architecture - Green roofs * Colors - Modern shades of green * Upholstery Tricks - Personal signature in the bedroom * Interior design - Combining different patterns * Designer Furniture - Ergonomics in organic form * Bunk beds - Game practical and decorative elements * Materials - The versatility of glass blocks * "Submerged" living room - Back in the seventies trend *** In WELLNESS ANNEX - Dr Bogdanić - Acupuncture * Dr Udovičić - Paralysis of the facial nerve * Recipes ***
Running out of paper for gift wrapping this year? Fortunately, the internet will not let you run out of ideas and, as long as you have a few feet of plain brown paper in his hands. There are many amazing ways for gift-wrapping, and inspiring those we have summarized for you.
Look for gift wrapping ideas that are easy to make yourself. Most of them require basic everyday items that you probably already have at home or you can find in the nearby park. For decoration you can use various branches
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