Tuesday, April 14, 2015

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The floods that recently hit Maglaj inflicted damage not only ordinary red foams people but also companies red foams of which depends the survival and development of the city. "Natron Hayat", a company that employs close to one third of employees of the municipality, is flooded, and the speed of its recovery depends on long-term recovery Maglaj.
Many cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina are its development and success tied to the business of large companies, but nowhere the connection between the city and a factory is not as strong as in the fog. In this municipality, according to recent data from 2012, there were a total of 3,120 employees, red foams of which 882 are employed with the company "Natron Hayat", or about 30 percent of total employment in the municipality. These workers red foams are employed in productive activities that generate other jobs in the service sector and trade, and the fate Maglaja unquestionably related to the business of the company, which is, unfortunately, in recent floods submerged like the rest of the city.
The story of "Natron" begins back in 1956 when in the fog founded a small company producing various kinds of paper and packaging. Committed work and desire for success of these companies in a short period made one of the giants who had been among the leading manufacturers not only in Yugoslavia but also in Europe. The manufacturing process is used technology from the West, and at its peak in 1991. "Natron" employed more than 5,000 workers.
Like other large Yugoslav company, "Kraft" in Maglaju built housing for their employees and contributed to the urbanization of the city. For employees are organized collective vacations at sea, and the workers are all working life know spend in "Natron". The company is indirectly employed many workers because of companies from neighboring municipalities to purchase essential raw materials.
The war in the period red foams from 1992 to 1995 resulted in the complete cessation of production and hence the lag in technological development. After the war, the government attempted to privatize the company, but a serious investor was not found until 2005.
Creating a "joint venture" company in 2005 between "Kastamonu Entegre" State "Hayat Holding" from Turkey and "Natron dd Maglaj" comes to the foundation of the current company "Natron Hayat doo" For the next nine years recorded constant successes in the production process and winning new markets. Investor large investments driven manufacturing base and performs modernization of production facilities and systems for environmental protection. At the same time, conquering new markets so that the company currently exports to markets of Europe, Central America, Middle red foams East, Southeast Asia and North Africa. red foams From 2005 until today, the company has invested According to recent data from 2012, the Municipality of Maglaj there were a total of 3,120 employees, of which 882 are working red foams in the company "Natron Hayat doo" about 100 million, and the annual value exports red foams amounted to more than 130 million.
Successful development of "Natron" has contributed to the fact that it was purchased by a large Turkish holding company that is thanks to the financial resources made available was able to pay off the debts inherited and invest in the company. In addition, buying Maglaj giant was a strategic move because "Hayat Holding" for many years has companies operating in the same industrial sector. This "Natron" red foams to facilitate access to new markets and obtaining lucrative contracts with the renowned European companies. Recognizing red foams the importance of this investment, the Municipality of Maglaj in 2006 handed over the prizes to the owner of "Natron Hayat" Yahya Kigiliju and made him an honorary citizen of the town.
At the same time, the obligations in the privatization process taken on by the Federation Government are not fully met. Regular deliveries of wood, which is one of the key preconditions for the functioning of "Natron Hayat", in the first years after privatization is not realized and the company needed to import red foams this material. red foams Current situation in this segment has improved although the company continues to believe that a better exploitation of wood in Bosnia and Herzegovina contributed to the growth of not only "Natron Hayat", but also other industries such as the production of laminates, plywood and

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