Monday, November 24, 2014

23/11/2013. at 22:23 hrs Health Six tricks to good sleep only one out of ten people every night hav

23/11/2013. at 22:23 hrs Health Six tricks to good sleep only one out of ten people every night have a good sleep. But quality sleep is essential to recharge cfoam the battery so experts advise what to do to really rest at night
1. Before bedtime Avoid foods before bed because the body has to digest and you will be restless. If you're hungry, eat a light meal at least two to three hours before going to bed and do not drink sugary drinks, coffee and too much alcohol. Alcohol cfoam you may be briefly put to sleep, but the dehydration disrupt your sleep and wake you up early in the morning. The routine cfoam is essential to establish a regular rhythm of sleep so if you eat, you go to bed and wake up at the same time every day your body and brain will only know when you need to turn off. Draw the curtains, hang blinds and turn off all the lights in the bedroom to create a pleasant environment. Turn off the TV, game consoles, computers and mobile phones because you all that can distract you from sleep. The optimum temperature cfoam for sleep is between 16 and 18 degrees. 2nd Relax Relaxed state of mind before going to sleep is the key to good sleep. Leave the worries before going to sleep by making cfoam a list of things you need to do the next day. Relax in a hot bath or listening to soothing music. Just before bedtime to avoid exercise because you can awaken this activity. If you still can not fall asleep, do not worry in bed: get up and do something relaxing, for example, read a book. 3. The position of the body in forty percent of lumbago is caused by a bad mattress, a pillow, and poor posture. If you have broad shoulders and sleep on your side, opt for a firmer pillow so that your neck was in a perfect location. Products with foam that remembers the position and shape of the head will provide additional support. High quality, hard mattress is also important because it will so your back remain flat; namely, very soft mattress can aggravate back pain. Lavender slows the nervous structure and promotes relaxation, so it is not that bad in the bedroom enter pad filled with lavender. At night sweat lose up to 500 ml of water, which means that the room is growing level of humidity, which can disrupt sleep. If you can, leave an open window or door ajar hold to encourage air flow. The bed should be four to six inches cfoam longer than you, and bedding of 100-percent cotton is the best for a peaceful sleep. 5th Mites During the cooler months, you may notice more mites that just like heating and humid conditions. Buy allergenic bedding with fabrics cfoam to stop mites. 6th Wake up! Waking up at about the same time will help the rhythm of sleep. Long lying on weekends will help you easily cfoam get up during the week. Alarm clock in the place to which you will have to get up in the morning. Try to wake up your mind: listen to the radio or listen to the news to turn the brain and started thinking about the day ahead of you, the Daily Mail reports.

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