Your houses and flats are the places that your children have the best knowledge. They will always behave a little differently at home than elsewhere. Children where the body schema is not fully developed, it will be more relaxed and will feel more protected in an environment that they are familiar with. So I will try new activities do better at home.
We know that when you are at home, most likely you need to dispose of household goods; styrofoam sheet laundry, dishes, breakfast, lunch, dinner (especially if your child or another family member needs a special diet), cleaning and so on. So you can not constantly play with the child. And that's ok! But that does not mean they can not get sensory stimulation he needed. Make your home sensory and allow the child to just search stimuli from the space he needed. But please, be careful not prestimulirate your child. It is important to bear in mind how each child is special and how to react differently to each activity. One and the same child may respond differently to the same stimuli at different styrofoam sheet times. What was fun in the morning can become styrofoam sheet your worst enemy, but for five minutes or until the end of the day. And it is just fine! It is easier to say than to do, but all you have to do is observe your child through styrofoam sheet sensory prism.
Can parts of your homes or children's rooms equipped for certain stimuli (tactile, vestibular ...). Some parents have even made sensory rooms in their basements. This will allow your child to freely finds the stimulus he needed. However, given that the aim is to integrate stimuli, we can always play one or stimulus spice. If your child rocking or spinning, or wishes to walk on something Higher, most likely asking vestibular stimuli. Allow it to him for a moment or two and it slowly engage the new activity, while another first last: for rhyme or action research bodies, or something visual.
To be clear: while rocking your child, you can give him that throws cushions of different weights in the basket or to sing a rhyme to the rhythm styrofoam sheet of swinging. If you do not swing, just put your baby in a blanket and rocking him in different directions and rhythms. Also, ask your child if he is still and wait for his answer in the form of smiles, tears, if he says yes or no, or any actions demonstrate styrofoam sheet their will. These activities can be very short - children's sometimes enough to swing once or twice and it should be respected, even though we would love to melt further. Your child may be allergic to this stimulus and do not want prestimulirati. styrofoam sheet
If you need to carry out their chores, a child should only be for a while, give them a task that you think you can successfully execute themselves either in your room or at your kitchen. You could make a polygon around the house or hall with a variety of obstacles that a child has to go through in order to reach you. Make it so that you are sure that the child can successfully pass (not too easy, but not even that hard to needlessly styrofoam sheet frustrating). As part of the polygon can also add other activities, such as finding a toy or ball that must be collected and put in the basket at the end. This will give your child a sense of beginning and end, and will have a target that will give them a sense of satisfaction. It is therefore very important to make the task challenging enough, but it is possible to overcome.
If your child is not enough to be just and think that it's not good for his safety, a child is with you, for example in the kitchen; you can play with different textures styrofoam sheet of foods such as beans, raw pasta, cereal or put you even prepared sticky paste of flour and water. If you make the dough a little unexpectedly unyielding, might be a good proprioceptive activity where a child has to rob small pieces, make balls between your fingertips and paste this example beads on a piece of paper with pre-drawn shapes (heart, circle, line, face ..). Of course, keep in mind that all of these foods may end up in the mouth of your child so you should have a child in the eye and assess whether this game safe for him and the issue of allergies (eg, gluten or peanuts). styrofoam sheet
If you notice that your child does not like to have dirty hands, then the next activity to be very challenging for your child and it might take several months to accept and try to introduce the activity gradually - play with foam. The foam is very tactile stimulating that many children initially can not stand. This often happens because the foam does not have firm boundaries and edges that provide information our brain about this subject so that the foam very easily slips through your fingers and brain it can not be easily defined. It can be quite a daunting feeling. I worked with children who have almost threw up when they touched the foam. Therefore, go slowly and gradually and do not force a child. The foam can also play on the mirror or eg the glass door and little fingers to draw different shapes, designs or work prints. Some children are less sensitive and
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