Three years should the design pink foam team of the British chain store Debenhams to design a bra Triple Boost who are connoisseurs of trends already been named the greatest pink foam advances of the appearance of the legendary "pickup", Wonderbra bras, nineties.
Triple Boost (freely translated - support triple or triple amplifier) arrived on shelves at Debenhams with the promise that every woman for 22 pounds pink foam (about 190 million) to give lavishly and beautifully bust without a scalpel. The bra is sold in sizes from 70A to 85E.
- We just put extra padding in the ordinary bra or redesigned bra that doubles pink foam the size of the breasts. We had to find the right materials, the real shape of the pad and then turns them to agree to make the breasts look natural.
The final product has a larger pad is inserted from the outside of the basket. It provides - in the words of Sharon pink foam Webb - megapodizanje pink foam and support the side. Central Foam inserts lift and soft foam pads inside basket improve breast shape.
Good price will enable the realization of the dream of many women who are looking for a quick and cheap solution to improve the appearance. Demand for bras that enhance the bust is growing dramatically around the world, and among the most credit for this trend are celebrities like the stunning Christina Hendricks. High demand
Debenhams is known for its innovations in the field of lingerie. A year and a half they have launched an "air cushion" which can, if desired pumping in and out, and thus alter the size and shape of the breasts. They are intended for women during the day for work, they want to look serious and humble, and in the evening - luxurious.
Other manufacturers try to follow the trend as the industry's pink foam underwear worth lean billion. This year, Marks & Spencer launched its first bikini in the upper part has a light mineral gel. Gel shifts and chest gives fullness.
And women who have tried Triple Boost praise him for the most part the chest gives a natural look, and, although there is no lace and luxury, it is sexy. In Debenhams they seem to be able to solve a common problem pink foam with padded and push-up bras to raise breast too inconvenient or "cut", which means to look ridiculous.
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