Dust mites are arthropods belonging to the class Arachnida.Oni are similar to spiders and ticks, or are microscopic. Dust mites need a warm and humid atmosphere of growth. Dead skin cells to leave your bed is enough to feed a large population of mites. Needless to say, their presence on your bed causes a lot of problems. Some people even have an allergy against dust mite feces. Below mentioned are some ways to get rid of dust mites, of course. Apply them to get a sound sleep every night. How to get rid of dust mites, heat is the biggest enemy of mites. kill them with high temperatures. Wash the mattress pad, pillow cases, blankets and mattress and pillows themselves if possible, with water at a temperature of 130 degrees. Do this at least once a week. It will make a big difference. ; Frequent warm water washing can damage the bedding material. Try to buy linens made with materials architectural foam such as vellux, which can hold up to regular and hot water for washing. ; Keep the bags in a plastic bag, and then cover with zip pillow coves. This will protect the pillow from mite infection. ; You can do the same with the mattress as well. Place the mattress in a plastic bag and then spread bed sheets on it. , Since, you need to clean linen to get rid of dust mites very often use those bed sheets and pillow covers that are easy to wash. The mattress pads and pillows made of cotton or nylon, are washable and suitable. ; Use mattress and pillows filled with synthetic material, such as foam. They limit the growth of dust mites. , Try to avoid feather and down pillows. They are not only difficult to wash, but also provide ideal shelter mites. ; There can be many other things that are home to dust mites and at the same time difficult to wash as dobro.Na example, stuffed animals, which in my bed room for decoration purpose. To disinfect such things, put them in a plastic bag and freeze them overnight. ; Clean bed with the help of a vacuum cleaner once a week. Frequent cleaning will not allow dust mites thrive. ; Expose your linens in the sun at least once a month. architectural foam This will keep dust mites away. , Try not to keep the bedroom warm and moist. Such a situation promotes the growth of dust mites. ; Carpets are the best place to hide mites. Remove all the carpet off the floor and clean the floor beautifully. ; Wash curtains of your bedroom door and windows. A better choice would be to replace the curtains with fabric made of vinyl. ; Dust mites can not survive in cold temperatures. Use air conditioners architectural foam and hair maintenance lowest possible temperature in your room. On average, a person can tolerate temperatures of seventeen degrees and humidity levels below 35% of nothing. ; Use allergen sprays. Rain is in your house, especially at the corners architectural foam of the bed. This will kill dust mites. ; There are linens specifically designed architectural foam to keep away dust mites. Look for them on the Internet. , All of the above ways to get rid of mites, of course, are simple and easy to try, and it will surely help in controlling pests.
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