Information Management Software FAQ ISO paperless Best Sellers Sales conditions LOPD ISO certification Packages Package Package manufacturing company enterprise-storer-service distributor Compare Products Basic Package Package Course implantation of a Quality System Manual Quality and the procedures required by ISO 9001 Quality Manual and Procedures Manual Quality manufacturer and dealer services storekeeper procedures List Auto verification formation responsible for quality collection of formats and formation ticket rolls records in Quality Systems, Displays ISO 9001 audits and ongoing quality system implantation Part of the quality manual and remaining Part of the quality manual Video Course implantation of a quality system implantation Video Course SDC partial deliveries Related Links Software stock More info Here Blog aids iso 9001 ISO 9000 Implementation Help Desk How to buy contact us directly Quin we? ISO certification ticket rolls
The package includes a guide for using the same, so you know the documentation easy to use and one that will help the implementation showing you step by step process to follow.
If you buy this package you will get a discount of more than 34% compared to buying the same products one by one, in the latter case the price would be 1,034 euros while to buy the package will leave only 675 euros
This package contains the following items 6 following products are included in the package company-storer-service distributor: # 1 - Collection of formats and records
Collection of records for each of the procedures containing 1, 2 or 3 records eg Training Plan Customer Complaints Tracking List discarded material indicators Corrective Action Report Sheets Claim calibration or maintenance provider etc ...
You get the plan of implementation of its system of quality in your company which should only put right for you dates.
This training is several presentations in PDF files, with which you can educate and inform other staff of the company, ticket rolls to make them aware that ISO certification is an objective ticket rolls d ETODA the company not only the quality manager.
The training includes guides criteria for ISO 9001: 2008 quality system training and ISO 9001 Training in internal quality audits Guide to use package ayudasiso9000 A total of approx. 70 pp
Once we have collected all the documents and other information as described and we've organized by areas, we can make a first approximation to know as to meet the requirements we will demand the ISO 9001 standard.
The first problem is to know that we have to look and what questions we need to ask and / or make others. This is resolved in the checklist, in which we posed in the form of questions a tour of the norm through all the aspects that must be documented. With this list, the Project Manager may obtain clear evidence that parts of existing documents are already complying with the standard, which ones are partially doing and what aspects ticket rolls remain to be documented. In the list we have to write down everything you see fit (especially the names of related documents, compliance and actions to be taken to be made or modified).
You can enter these files and place the logo and footer of your company as well as adaptations of it to their particular situation, so imagine the amount of time saved in adaptations.
- Types and stages of an audit