Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Some companies base their business model on a network of distributors to significantly improve logi

The Business Strategy and ways to reach consumers: Tecnologistica Consultants
Some companies base their business model on a network of distributors to significantly improve logistics honeycombs cereal efficiency, their ability to reach certain commercial channels or regions and ultimately generate better value proposition to its customers.
The use of Commercial Distributors is an alternative and a complement to direct sales and while it has its complexity manage a mixed model also brings significant benefits application.
The Direct Selling Model allows a close relationship with customers resulting in greater understanding honeycombs cereal of their needs and therefore the possibility of achieving high levels of satisfaction and loyalty. honeycombs cereal For efficient operation of this model requires: A scale level sale that starts with a sufficient honeycombs cereal basis to permit operation at competitive costs. An Organization Sales and Sales Management commercially capable of serving customers in opportunity and in accordance with the needs of each. (Segmentation) A logistics operation capable of supporting the Trade Policy honeycombs cereal in time, quality and cost competitive.
The Sales Model Indirect or via Commercial Distributors, is displayed in many companies as a simpler way to reach customers scattered, small, in remote regions or low sales volume, and this approach often provides very good results when developing the Dealers is part of a strategic plan that includes the needs they have for efficient management, integrated management model of the company.
Implementing a dealer development program should be part of the Commercial Strategy, and has to contemplate inter alia, the following: Achieve a level of development Resellers Commercial enabling them to function as if they were agents of the company offering technical and customized to the needs of each client support. Optimize and integrate logistics and trade chain to provide the most value to the customer with the lowest honeycombs cereal cost structure. Transferring knowledge of the company towards the distributor providing information and technical honeycombs cereal and commercial honeycombs cereal training so you can provide the best customer service. honeycombs cereal Managing competition between distributors, avoiding overlapping regions or customers, and noise transfer market positioning deteriorating prices or trade policies that are defined. Develop managerial skills in the dealer network, especially when they are family businesses that do not apply profesional.Herramientas management techniques such as developing Business Plans, Cost Management, Human Resource Management, etc. help professionalize management and to develop shared strategies. The challenge is to build partnerships and commitment Distributors. Create information integration schemes with Distributors to enable the company honeycombs cereal to have knowledge of customers and how they buy, and create sales and distribution and measurable goals to achieve plans. Recognize the limits have distributors in operational and financial capacity to care for certain customers who have a scale and borrowing which exceeds the capacity of the Distributors. honeycombs cereal
The Joint Sales Model is the combination of both models and in many cases a very reasonable solution that offers the following advantages: It allows honeycombs cereal the company to maintain a particular pulse of customer demands through direct management with key customers or of a size that exceeds the capacity honeycombs cereal of the Distributors. Facilitates arrival in regions or channels would not be possible to reach directly either by dispersion or customer size involving sale of very small scale. Extend the distribution of those products that are not leaders in the market and therefore a distribution via wholesalers not going to push into consumer preference, and instead the dealer if it will push as this is YOUR PRODUCT. honeycombs cereal
The Joint Sales Model involves having the ability to manage different forms of arrival to final consumers, but with consistency in prices and conditions. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dr. José Luis LOSADA is a member of Tecnologística Consultants, Public Accountant and a graduate degree in Business Administration from the University of Buenos Aires, with a postgraduate degree in Computer Science and a Masters in Business Administration honeycombs cereal at the University of Salvador-Deusto Spain. He has extensive experience in Business Management at home and abroad having occupying

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