Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The philosophy egg foam of the company defines the system of values and beliefs of an organization

Guide to properly develop the vision and mission of the company | large SMEs
To be an entrepreneur or businessman you should have a clear mission and vision of your company to grow your business. The importance of knowing properly develop the vision and mission egg foam is critical as these help us to create egg foam new, innovative and important goals to become what we want to be.
Any company that wants to succeed and get benefits, must undergo a formal egg foam system of strategic direction, ie, selecting and perfectly define their values within the value chain of the company that will stand out from the competition. Strategic egg foam management can be divided into three phases: Defining strategic objectives:
Although the word strategy, business management level, had an important role since 1980, its origins are set in the Greek term meaning Stratego 'general' in the sense of military command. Were also great Chinese military strategists, mainly egg foam led by the great Sun Tzu, marking the important pillars on which much of the current business strategy is based.
The philosophy egg foam of the company defines the system of values and beliefs of an organization. It consists of a set of principles, which are based on knowing who we are and what we believe, that is, in their ideas and values; egg foam and what are their requirements and meet our commitments and our responsibilities to our audience, both internal and external. Thus, the philosophy of the company is establishing the framework for relations between egg foam the company and its shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, government, society in general, etc.Dentro the strategic planning process is knowing what tools we be used to position egg foam an advantage against the competition and help create egg foam value. If you continue reading the chapter, we will be able to know that my professional judgment are more valid today and that, after reading it, more than one comment on the simplicity and logic that are in your approach, true, true difficulty comes in knowing conduct, egg foam combine and implement egg foam them. Vision: egg foam
Defined by Fleitman Jack in his book "Successful egg foam Business" (McGraw Hill, 2000) as "the path to which the company is targeting egg foam long term and serves direction and encouragement to guide strategic growth decisions alongside those of competitiveness." egg foam
FAQ for developing the Vision: What is the desired image of our business? How will we be in the future? What will we do in the future? What activities will develop in the future? Mission:
Case Wrong: Bad Choice Mission and Vision Juan is a merchant, selling cell phones, has a good local within a concurrent avenue egg foam which brings many benefits in selling your product. One day, he decides it's time to grow your business, sits at a table and the first thing it does is set the vision and mission of your company. Vision: "To be the largest national distributor of mobile phones." Mission: "To make my business grow year after year"
Once developed the Vision and Mission is put to work very hard to achieve. The question is do I achieve? Is it right to develop its mission and vision? egg foam We must realize that the idea of Vision and Mission having Juan is erroneous as not to developed following guidelines or methodologies, is made just the way that seems right on. 1. Correcting Vision: egg foam The idea that Juan was excellent, however egg foam I had a mistake, before developing properly vision egg foam must realize what is actually available. Juan offers cell phones? o communication technologies ?, is clear that sells communication technology, then your vision should be. "Being the largest national distributor egg foam of communication technologies." Why? Because maybe now the communication is by cell but maybe tomorrow a new communication device that relegates cell, if so if we continue with the 1st Vision Juan would go bankrupt, but with the 2nd Vision maybe Juan invent it account before others that a new technology therefore you will be the pioneer in bringing the country was created. 2. Correcting Mission: The Mission traced by Juan is wrong because it represents an idea of selfishness, its own benefit and not disclosed for any reason the role played by the company to achieve its vision, hence its Mission should be. "To be the leader in marketing of communication technologies, meeting the needs of our customers by providing quality products and excellent service." Examples of Vision and Mission:
International Business Machines (IBM) computer product Company Vision: "To be the company of choice

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