Wednesday, December 10, 2014

By entering another country, we have two options. The first is the direct involvement where the com

By entering another country, we have two options. The first is the direct involvement where the company has its own sales force and operates its own retail stores, it can lead to huge costs, since it must hire and train sales representatives and managers, so inevitably the first stage will be lost, because it will have enough volume to cover overhead costs. The other alternative is indirect participation, where necessary use of agents, distributors or wholesalers done. The medium or channel strategy we use have to go agree with the competitive position of the company and the overall marketing objectives. honeycomb background
When are companies without experience in other markets, the safest way is to partner with local business who have contact with potential customers. But Harvard professor David Arnold offers seven guidelines specific honeycomb background action to help prevent any problems honeycomb background arising between honeycomb background the company and its partners:
2. Find distributors capable of developing markets, rather than those who have some good contacts. The latter may seem more convenient to generate quick sales and income; but long term it is better to have a partner willing to make the investment necessary to achieve success.
4. Support market entry committing money managers and marketing ideas tested. Besides providing sales staff, technical support management must invest early on a minority stake in the capital of an independent dealer.
5. Maintain control over marketing strategy from the beginning. The manufacturer must provide strong leadership in terms of marketing products that retailers must sell and how to position them. We must allow the intermediary distribution honeycomb background strategy suited honeycomb background to local conditions. Considering that it is the manufacturer who takes the lead.
6. Ensure that the dealers will provide detailed performance data and financial market. These are often the best source of market information company. This information system supplier to manufacturer must be stipulated in detail in the contract.
7. Create links between national distributors as soon as possible. A manufacturer must try to establish links between their networks of national distributors, since creating ways for distributors to communicate, it is possible to exploit ideas for new product designs based on the results of individual markets and improve overall honeycomb background performance honeycomb background retailers .
Many times these intermediary companies act as the eyes of the manufacturer in the market where the latter is introduced, honeycomb background so it is important to create good relationships with agents or distributors honeycomb background from the beginning and develop specific and very detailed contracts regarding the obligations of each part.
About gabrieladuke I am a student of 4th year of International Marketing at the University of El Salvador, and hopefully compatir with you both the knowledge I've learned as my views to new plays in marketing honeycomb background holding big business. Any comments honeycomb background or suggestions are very welcome.
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