Forum Index 7.2 Customer-related processes in ISO 9001 What happens to the complaints it receives and solves my Distributor and not directly my company?
??? Hi all I have a question about working out of my procedure to meet Customer Complaints, my question butcher paper rolls is the following: In the company I work for most of our products we sell to distributors and also travs have some direct customers they sell products. For distributors, they are who receives complaints from customers who sells our products and computer users so that they, perform the registration process, investigacine implementacin corrections to give solution na customer complaint. We turn either received complaints from distributors or direct customers we have. In this sense, in my procedure I make the declaration that the responsibility of receiving and treating certain complaints are the distributor and others if they are addressed butcher paper rolls and resolved for us? besides, the dealer register complaints received butcher paper rolls in our format called Customer Report, as this is necessary butcher paper rolls for me to give back my grievance procedure dealer to proceed in accordance with can let as deemed appropriate ? It is right in the sense that not cause me a nonconformity in my audit by allowing butcher paper rolls retailers and whoever receives the complaint butcher paper rolls solucina? However, to comply with paragraph 7.2.3 c) and paragraph 8.2.1 of ISO 9001 as part of the monitoring and measurement of the satisfaction of our client (users mainly) we ask the dealer each month send us copies of all reports received for us to follow them and implement corrective actions when needed, This is correct as it documented? I hope you can help me please because, I do not write bad my procedure. Thank you in advance.
??? Hello, all responsibility for complaints should be yours, wherever butcher paper rolls it comes, you must document that you receive complaints butcher paper rolls and give treatment according to the rule, see the ISO-10002 standard. If your dealer receives a complaint butcher paper rolls or refund, it is obvious that manifest with you, you can pass on your form if you'd like for them to answer the complaints that fall to them, delivery time, service, etc, but what competence them you should be yours. No need to describe butcher paper rolls the responsibility of the distributor, l must act to his consideracin, complaints that falls to you rest assured that the dealer is the har arrive, do not consider necessary to document the obvious things that makes complex procedure . If the beginning of the month receive a customer complaint, you darn month follow-up ?, If the dealer each receive a complaint and passes them, I do not see why I request back to the dealer a month. You must document that whenever there is a complaint you agree to follow the procedure, not to the month. I hope I explained. Regards
??? Saavedra Hi, thanks for your answer but an have doubts on how to do my procedure, I hope you can please help me a little more. Currently what is done in my company is as follows: when the dealer receives a complaint from a customer, he himself butcher paper rolls registers, investigates and determines corrections. The records of complaints we do not pass immediately but after a while (how fifteen das or week) is sending the partially because until l closed butcher paper rolls the report marrow gave immediate solution to the complaint. When I refer you follow the complaint, I do not mean to implement the corrections, but to assess complaints received in a period indicating butcher paper rolls a monthly, for as yourself, see if there are any trends or recurring complaint (which if you see that the isolation I check not notary) and based on this implement corrective and preventive actions, if they are necessary. As you say, I think it's not right that you do so, then it is necessary that every time it receives a complaint, the dealer asked to me and when we are envi which determine the corrections? or the envi like me immediately of receipt and implemented corrections later analyze them in my company and if required make a plan of corrective and / or preventive? A favor a little older, I have seen that sometimes helping people reviewing their procedures, you may be able to send your mail my procedure (as currently I have) and give me your opinin? will thank you very much. And thank you very much in advance, greetings.
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