Sunday, October 13, 2013

2012 (37) June (2) May (3) April (10) March (9) February (6) January (7) 2011 (100)

I've never been a big mannavahu friend, but it gives the dish-mannakale eyes down. And a true pleasure rabarberikoogile :) Recipe: Rhubarb-rye Foam 400 g rhubarb 700 ml of water 10 tablespoons maple syrup or honey 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon pinch of salt 180 ml rye flour Boil rhubarb in water until soft, until they fall apart. Add sweetener, cinnamon and salt. Stir gently moving all the time including rye flour. Over a boil, stir constantly, then reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Let it cool. Whisk the mixture mixer until the volume high density foam doubles. The recipe comes from Marika Kalanchoe book "Natural foods, fulfilling life"
2012 (37) June (2) May (3) April (10) March (9) February (6) January (7) 2011 (100) December (15) November (10) October (11) July (7) July (7) July (7) June (10) Umbrohutoidud 2: naadikarask Rye foam! In addition, high density foam St. John's Georgian Manor Park Emumäe Jan Hannes was born .. Was enough for us to move away .. Salad Mania Bees attack Summer Cake Weeds consumption May (8) April (6) March (6) February (7) January (6) 2010 (102) December (7) November (4) October (10 ) August (2) August (14) July (15) June (6) May (11) April (7) March (10) February (8) January (8) 2009 (70 ) December (8) August (3) October (4) July (7) August (10) July (8) June (5) May (6) April (3) March (3 ) February (5) January (8) 2008 (60) December (9) November (7) October (4) September (6) August (9) July (10) June (7 ) May (6) April (2)

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