Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The way in which Gondry can Viani and humorous at the same time meaningful word games, neologisms a

Daily foam sunken lives - Poster
Poster is a modern-day Estonian reflecting periodic free edition, which is published six times a year to print 4,000 copies. Poster spreads Tartu, Tallinn, Viljandi, Pärnu, Rakvere, Kuressaare eva foam Võru and cultural centers, and on demand.
"Daily foam" ("Mood Indigo." In 2013, in France, Brio Films). Directed by Michel Gondry, screenwriters Luc Bossi and Michel Gondry, producer Luc Bossi, cinematographer Christophe Beaucarne, music, eva foam Etienne Charry, Audrey Tautou parts, Romain Duris, eva foam Gad elmaleh, Aïssa Maïga, eva foam Omar Sy and others., 125 min.
Not many directors can not be entirely self-created universe the viewer to grasp, especially dystopian, but Michel Gondry is one of the most important postwar French writer Boris Vian's novel of staged "Daily eva foam foam" perfectly fine.
The way in which Gondry can Viani and humorous at the same time meaningful word games, neologisms and metaphors taken literally bring the big screen, is a fascinating, at times, downright brilliant. Gondry takes the audience into the world created, and also the strangest elements begin to seem natural and logical, because the director conjures storytelling through the details.
"Daily foam" is written eva foam on the protagonists Chloe and Colin are two young people who are looking for each other, eva foam find and love, till death do they part. Gleefully began the love story begins to fall apart piece by piece, in the same way as the world in which young people live in Vian, and Gondry has committed.
Gondry eva foam stimulate the viewer's imagination and the fantasy world he has created eva foam is easy to get lost. It is not over the shaft twisted as välmingulise, but logical and familiar elements from the further development of a rich, vibrant, and poetic Asylum - Gondry evokes Viani set the world on the screen really bright life.
Particularly heartfelt and authentic Gondry acts brilliantly the so-called old-school approach: visible image quirks and tricks are not computer generated or technology, but used in a good old techniques like pixilation, and miniatures. Gondry approach has been criticized for over-emphasizing details, but just through the beautiful small observations eva foam and (over) exposing the otherwise quite enjoyable to follow a simple narrative story of the development eva foam and movement. In step with the love story began happily fragment by breaking up the film becomes pictorial language. At first, the color, action and a life full of shots are becoming increasingly gloomier, and the décor nukramateks tagasihoidlikumateks.
It supports a slow decline, Chloe and Colin gradual eva foam death of the inner and the outer. Strangeness and humor, which at the beginning I was fascinated, going from minute to minute after generating more and more hideously depressed and sad. For a moment, when the two young people is a follow-up to the ruins, is also a film image imperceptibly changed to black and white. Overwhelm the angst and oppression that lurk in the viewers very slowly and imperceptibly, as Gondry still holds the attention to detail.
Can imagine that translating the book into a film also went Gondry nothing eva foam lost, because eva foam the viewer is quite difficult to identify with the main characters yourself, even if it düstoopilises world has seen these very human feelings, thoughts, desires and weaknesses. Dialogs sounded brittle and erratically, and some of the plot turns raise questions. Probably this is the reason why the "Daily foam" is also a great deal of negative feedback received, especially in Vian's novel aficionados. Also Gondry previous films ("Green hornet", "Uneteadus"), it seems fairly certain that the handwriting and the experimental approach is the director of the film-makers among whose works either hated or loved.
"Daily foam" binds the viewer the sense sort of single works with Gondry's own past, and the best-known work, "The crisp brilliance of the eternal Mind" (2004) and Terry Gilliam at his critics in 1980. the years best films deemed "Brazil" (1985). It's sort of weird, but at the same time a perfect whole, while simultaneously familiar and new. Gondry approach is inventive, creative, nostalgic and charming Frenchy.
When Ulrich Seidli Paradise, the first part of the trilogy "Paradise: Love" eva foam shocked viewers in its piquant sense of humor, and continued "Then Para: Faith" excited two allegorical struggle, then "Paradise: Hope for 'erase trilogy burned a flame.
19th-25th will take place on August Cinema's Film Festival, which comes under the digital cinema projector mobile DCP (Digital Cinema Package - generally accepted standard for digital cinema distribution) for the first time out of Tallinn, Tartu and Narva. Film Culture Days will be held Sänna Manor, Kuusalu Cinema Cafe, House of the People and the Virgin Porkuni Lake Creative Music Center.
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