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Leavened hold, select the same size as the fruits of the same variety, which must be harvested at the right time. Ripe apples fermented longer fit. Two weeks after taking off the apples are a good time to start to sour, it has come to reveal their hidden errors. Selected fruit must be completely sign foam intact, without any wormhole, stain, or bruising. Therefore, they must be individually hand-picked from the tree, and not the earth shake, or pick up.
Such storage is under the large glass jars, enamelware or puupütid. Domestic sign foam consumption is not much point in a barrel sign foam filled. If emailikiht Grebe is corrupted or not enough fluid to keep turd, use performance film hapenduskotti. This turn of foot after the sugar-salt solution pealekallamist lightly. In addition, sign foam place the lid and light vajutis. The next day, following the advice of filling the liquid to pour in, because at the beginning it is absorbed õuntesse right aplenty.
To start the fermentation temperature should be 15-18 . Hapnemisvedeliku accumulated on the surface of the foam must be consistently removed weekdays. sign foam Then, the active fermentation sign foam and daily care ended. If necessary, add fluid (retention period must be 3 cm over the apples to reach the solution, otherwise the top layer of apples spoils), and place the vajutuskaas vajutis apart, cover with a lid and place it in a cool place for advice more space, which is fermenting. 30-40 days after the fermented apples söömiskõlblikud.
Since the beginning of October is the recommended cherry recipes and sõstralehed hoidistamiseks already unfit, can be used to flavor tarragon or mint. Also suitable for hapendusvariandid straw, rye flour and malt.
Fermented apples, fermented like any other gardening products, given in salads or cold to a warm dish. It is important preserves of fluid purity (clarity), because before serving is recommended to rinse. Properly fermented apples are combs, greenish or cream-colored, with a pleasant sweet-sour taste and smell as well.
Cut a clean decent straw 10-20 cm long chunks and pour hot water over a couple of times. Cover the bottom and sides of straw advice. Apples sparsely stack, so they do not touch each other. In addition, put a few cm thick õlekiht sign foam (part of the straw is going to skip apples).
Mix the rye flour dough with a little water resemble that of a mixture and keep cool for 3-4 hours. Then mix it with warm boiled water and Strain through a sieve into a closer. Malts pour them in hot water and boil for 15 minutes, and Strain. Stir in the sugar and salt. If using honey, add it to the cooled solution. You can boil the increased volume of the solution, then you are good to pour it later. If a solution still falls short, may also add small amounts of clean boiled water.
One long-standing way to cope with the situation if the roots are not readily available fresh soup. This advice comes from an ancient time when refrigerators were a few families and sügavkülmutust not yet used. Maybe it's not a healthy way, and could do with a mixture of dried root soup, because here and there Drippers each separate strip search requires patience, time and viidab a component can be completely forgotten.
My mother's great-aunt brought over salted soup liter jar of jam and roots and the kids apples when Christmas came to town. Moos ended, of course, as soon as the end, but we got a good soup spring. Especially liked us Meatball with potatoes.
Wash and clean the onion, leek, roots, chop downwards sign foam and let the meat grinder. Mix in a bowl until evenly, lift the jar and shake the salt between the layers. Put the plastic lid. Keep the refrigerator or in a cool shed. Retains sign foam next fall, do not be consumed than before. sign foam
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Today, the world marks the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) under the leadership of the international t
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