Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Thank you! Well, yes, actually, on the work of this giant of thought, and I refer (albeit in a posi

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Policy on the walls stickers and graffiti left-wing popular honeycomb panel in Brittany. Generally it left the region where the recent election victory honeycomb panel of Segolene. Winner, they make fun of, for example, like this: "Karsher" which actually "Karcher" - a machine for bathing walls and machines under pressure. During the 2005 riots Sarko promised suburbs "karsherizirovat" and clean out any rascals and scoundrels. This came to be known - quite a "soak in the toilet." honeycomb panel Before us is a protest against the sovereign Karshera and slogans honeycomb panel in the best traditions of '68 - "we have the whole earth, to dance," "I want to die alive," etc. By the way, in 68 large part dvizhuhi honeycomb panel started, in general, , from here. In Nantes was a strike in Rennes, the embankment Vileny (see photos in previous posts, and God forbid, in the following), dumped the entire city to overthrow de Gaulle, etc. This is Paris, right at the Sorbonne. The president is charged with assault on the rights of students. honeycomb panel Indeed, he wants something to reform in universities and CNRS. There was even a demonstration of scientific workers in Nantes. Students too many manifest, and still love to do this: declare a general meeting, it starts boring speeches - but strict regulations for 15 minutes. Performers are single mothers, people, 9 years old they can not rent an apartment, etc. The people slowly diverges. When he finally disperses, activists, socialists unanimously adopt a resolution on strike. There is nothing you can do about it, classes are canceled semester squeezed in 2 months, and so on. The last two years in Nantes while this was not, but the last few years with that Chirac was a nightmare. And on the bridge at Rennes, not far from Nantes, was written in huge letters a slogan about Sarkozy's second wife Cecilia. Do not have time to make out, but "imagine that anything good." This, again, Nantes. At a traffic light - a call for general strike ("all ours, they have nothing! Everything they have, they stole!" Hi Proudhon), and a reminder that Nantes - Brittany. The fact is that until 1941 was part of the Department of Nantes in Brittany (a castle of the Dukes and the other - see below), but the invaders and collaborators have taken and included it in the region of Pays de la Loire. And after the release of this has changed. Objectives independence of Brittany nationalists at this stage is not set, but the return of Nantes in Brittany - is sacred. In a popular song in the relevant sector of Gilles Serva, listing the various acts of the French genocide sung Nantes, her hometown, ostensibly already (serait) not in Brittany, so that you can circle scream that Anna was born in Anjou, not that Anna wanted. That's the same shit, that's the same shit [untranslatable pun]. (About Anna herself, as I promised, then, not long left) Here is the announcement of the ordinary repairs honeycomb panel (it's honeycomb panel darn University Hospital Hotel-Dieu, which we lived). The words "Pays de la Loire" smeared. And so many other places honeycomb panel around the city, the region where it is mentioned: I also saw in the underpass huge Breton legend about the same, but I had no camera. In Paris, on the island of St. Louis, a lot of local nakleechek fasho. "France for the French", honeycomb panel "we are back" and so we are well familiar. The most fun that one of these nakleechek looks like this: It's the Celtic cross, citizens! It turns out, the nationalists themselves want to hand over all of France Bretons from sea to sea? Rule, Brittany, rule the waves! But someone has written to the Tuileries, "Paris = Nazis." Looks like boiling it.
Thanks for the note, very informative. It is interesting to compare with Peter, for example - on the subject of the inscriptions. Or Germany, where I live now and where this is not observed.
Maybe somewhere and "pays" smear. But against what Brittany - pays, you know, they do not mind, so that may have decided to save the paint. I say, there was a huge Breton honeycomb panel graffiti in the underpass under the Nantes railway, but there was no camera. In Rennes, it seems, is also something that I have seen with the University of Rennes 2.
Amen! Evel-se bezet graet!
Thank you! Well, yes, actually, on the work of this giant of thought, and I refer (albeit in a positive honeycomb panel program that song was not). There is a genre of songs about the anarchist Makhno in Breton ("wind honeycomb panel flags your twisted, blackened with Kruchina, reddened with blood"): Mac'hnovchtchina, Mac'hnovchtchina Du eo ho pannieloù en avel Du int gant hon foan Ruz int gant hon gwad and so on.
Reminds Moscow Graffiti (Photo by LJ hodilo): the inscription "hello, Jews!" and swastika, and under it, "Shalom, goyim!" honeycomb panel and the star of David. In France, IMHO exactly honeycomb panel the same. In 1994, was a very serious student strike, we did not learn okolomesyatsa one shtreykbreyher honeycomb panel as I was finishing the diploma :) And Sarkozy in Brittany deytsvitelno do not like, especially after he said to them publicly phrase "Je me fous des bretons". Injury

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