Recipes - Ghii | Gauranga icar asia - Veedalik Kitchen
Ghii or obtained by prolonged heating at a low temperature until all the butter is separated from the water and the milk and the sugar is karamelliseerunud remains clear, icar asia golden complexion fat. This is royally subtle, slightly sweet and slightly nutty flavor and aroma. He may be re-used. And it does not raise blood cholesterol levels.
Ghii or "liquid gold" is pure võirasv, which is the best küpsetamisvahenditest. Veedakirjandus icar asia ghiid describes as a "brain food" because it exacerbates the mind and improves memory. Ghii promotes digestion, stomach irritation and helps balance the acidity of the stomach. Ghii helps carry flavors and other food and medicinal properties of tissue in the body cells, which is why she is considered ajurveedas food, which brings good health, vitality and longevity. Ghii is also a good dry skin, moisturizing and nourishing the body from acting out. Ghiid can also be used externally for skin break upon. Or inside icar asia is about 80% fat, 18% water and 2% milk protein. Ghii manufacture water evaporates away and the milk protein, which otherwise would have been 120 degrees would singe, well separated, so that the remaining high-quality võirasv suffers from heating 190 degrees.
2) When the butter has melted and võimassi surface is covered icar asia with white fluffy foam, reduce the heat of the smallest possible. Now you can leave it alone to a boil without stirring. If ghii tends to scorch the bottom, the heat is too high. The goal of all of the water out of butter and steamed milk protein isolated. Milk protein can be served icar asia in the short term, but remains part of the liigkärsitu boiling water, and later in ghii worth of stuff just goes moldy. icar asia
3) The fluffy foam can pick a slotted spoon into the jar. The next few days you get used to it putrudesse, aedviljapadadesse, soups, and other foods to add teraviljaküpsetistesse. This is a pure milk protein. icar asia Throughout the foam, which ghii making process occurs, there is no need to plunder. If you do not riisu, he settles himself later in the north.
4) How do I know that ghii ready? Ghii is ready when the foam is not increasing anymore. You will see a pot of gold transparent and butterfat. Some small bubbles on the surface, but the pieces icar asia have sunk to the bottom and turned it into a beautiful brown. Second, when the whole time something takes place in a pot, but then at one moment there is silence. Doubt whether the stove still works and the like. Now you're icar asia done. If you let this time pass, the next feature is that a large amount of foam suddenly begins to re-emerge. Follow the ghii do not desert. If ghiid too high heat or too long to prepare, it becomes dark. If the smell is good, you can still use it, but if he smells bad, then he is unfit.
5) Raise the pot from the heat. Pour through a sieve ghii gauze placed in jars. Careful you can handle it without doing it through a sieve systems. Note that if you leave the pot ghii long periods of time, then he hangs up. In order for him to be poured, the pot should be warmed up a bit again. Also, that part of the pot bottom settis, fits a few days of food in the message.
TIPS is usually recommended in recipes in seasoning ghii inside the fry. To measure the always advance all the flavors from the stove ready to avoid ghii smoke effect. If you let ghiil excessively hot to the touch, it becomes dark. Food burns off and the inside remains raw. Ghii If the temperature is too low, then your food sucks too much ghiid itself, and the result is bold. Deep fat fryers ghii place in just one layer of thinly enough food and that the pieces can be interconnected to turn around. Too much to ripen at the same time put food clumps of flour by weight ghii temperature.
Tips on cooking fritüürimiseks or ghii Ghii are ready to cook when this piece of dropped food sisisedes immediately rises to the surface. If fritüürimise (ghii inside cooking) while the fat-blasting, then you're into that water is dripped or poured early ghii moist pan. Ghii the juicy vegetables foam and sprayed over the edge, so pick a frying pan, which will also be space. All foods, you are going deep fryers, should be at room temperature. You can use the same ghiid several weeks, if not burned off. After fritüürimist ghii pour out multiple towels icar asia to parse out the pieces of food remnants that could burn. In this way, you can re-use ghiid. I've noticed that after pakora preparation for the procedure, it does not make sense, because icar asia pakoradest seeps into so many vegetables juice, fat in the ghiid can not be used again. It also can not be used again overheated ghiid - facets, it smells bad and is white in color.
45% of milk fatty acids to lower cholesterol levels. icar asia These fatty acids, which raise cholesterol is only 14% of total milk fatty acids. 1 liter of milk has about 120 mg of cholesterol and cholesterol in our daily preferably should not exceed 300 mg.
1 liter of milk, 30 ml can ghiid (2 tablespoons). So in the light of
Ghii or obtained by prolonged heating at a low temperature until all the butter is separated from the water and the milk and the sugar is karamelliseerunud remains clear, icar asia golden complexion fat. This is royally subtle, slightly sweet and slightly nutty flavor and aroma. He may be re-used. And it does not raise blood cholesterol levels.
Ghii or "liquid gold" is pure võirasv, which is the best küpsetamisvahenditest. Veedakirjandus icar asia ghiid describes as a "brain food" because it exacerbates the mind and improves memory. Ghii promotes digestion, stomach irritation and helps balance the acidity of the stomach. Ghii helps carry flavors and other food and medicinal properties of tissue in the body cells, which is why she is considered ajurveedas food, which brings good health, vitality and longevity. Ghii is also a good dry skin, moisturizing and nourishing the body from acting out. Ghiid can also be used externally for skin break upon. Or inside icar asia is about 80% fat, 18% water and 2% milk protein. Ghii manufacture water evaporates away and the milk protein, which otherwise would have been 120 degrees would singe, well separated, so that the remaining high-quality võirasv suffers from heating 190 degrees.
2) When the butter has melted and võimassi surface is covered icar asia with white fluffy foam, reduce the heat of the smallest possible. Now you can leave it alone to a boil without stirring. If ghii tends to scorch the bottom, the heat is too high. The goal of all of the water out of butter and steamed milk protein isolated. Milk protein can be served icar asia in the short term, but remains part of the liigkärsitu boiling water, and later in ghii worth of stuff just goes moldy. icar asia
3) The fluffy foam can pick a slotted spoon into the jar. The next few days you get used to it putrudesse, aedviljapadadesse, soups, and other foods to add teraviljaküpsetistesse. This is a pure milk protein. icar asia Throughout the foam, which ghii making process occurs, there is no need to plunder. If you do not riisu, he settles himself later in the north.
4) How do I know that ghii ready? Ghii is ready when the foam is not increasing anymore. You will see a pot of gold transparent and butterfat. Some small bubbles on the surface, but the pieces icar asia have sunk to the bottom and turned it into a beautiful brown. Second, when the whole time something takes place in a pot, but then at one moment there is silence. Doubt whether the stove still works and the like. Now you're icar asia done. If you let this time pass, the next feature is that a large amount of foam suddenly begins to re-emerge. Follow the ghii do not desert. If ghiid too high heat or too long to prepare, it becomes dark. If the smell is good, you can still use it, but if he smells bad, then he is unfit.
5) Raise the pot from the heat. Pour through a sieve ghii gauze placed in jars. Careful you can handle it without doing it through a sieve systems. Note that if you leave the pot ghii long periods of time, then he hangs up. In order for him to be poured, the pot should be warmed up a bit again. Also, that part of the pot bottom settis, fits a few days of food in the message.
TIPS is usually recommended in recipes in seasoning ghii inside the fry. To measure the always advance all the flavors from the stove ready to avoid ghii smoke effect. If you let ghiil excessively hot to the touch, it becomes dark. Food burns off and the inside remains raw. Ghii If the temperature is too low, then your food sucks too much ghiid itself, and the result is bold. Deep fat fryers ghii place in just one layer of thinly enough food and that the pieces can be interconnected to turn around. Too much to ripen at the same time put food clumps of flour by weight ghii temperature.
Tips on cooking fritüürimiseks or ghii Ghii are ready to cook when this piece of dropped food sisisedes immediately rises to the surface. If fritüürimise (ghii inside cooking) while the fat-blasting, then you're into that water is dripped or poured early ghii moist pan. Ghii the juicy vegetables foam and sprayed over the edge, so pick a frying pan, which will also be space. All foods, you are going deep fryers, should be at room temperature. You can use the same ghiid several weeks, if not burned off. After fritüürimist ghii pour out multiple towels icar asia to parse out the pieces of food remnants that could burn. In this way, you can re-use ghiid. I've noticed that after pakora preparation for the procedure, it does not make sense, because icar asia pakoradest seeps into so many vegetables juice, fat in the ghiid can not be used again. It also can not be used again overheated ghiid - facets, it smells bad and is white in color.
45% of milk fatty acids to lower cholesterol levels. icar asia These fatty acids, which raise cholesterol is only 14% of total milk fatty acids. 1 liter of milk has about 120 mg of cholesterol and cholesterol in our daily preferably should not exceed 300 mg.
1 liter of milk, 30 ml can ghiid (2 tablespoons). So in the light of
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