Tuesday, February 24, 2015

231 Responses

Unlock HP ESIA Huawei C2601 | MOTOGP FREAK
2. Unlock Security - Enter the card you want to use eg Flexi. - Turn on the HP - When the message "MIN out of range" means your phone can not be on Unlock (must use the software - When the message "please enter a valid SID" could mean Unlock! - Type ## 412 365 (this emergency code), then press CALL - select SYSTEM TEST - then select NAM programing - Enter Spc Code: 000000 - then the next press OK just to get a SID ... browse 10 496 (this is when the use flexi) shipping paper - when it asks SID back, remove the existing SID, then the contents shipping paper of SID it to: 00000 - press OK until there 2.CONTINUE 1.Complete Menu, select COMPLETE
231 Responses
To unlock esia september version shipping paper must use software and hardware (data cable homemade) so if for personal, heck I'd better go wrote to counter that can then ask for an unlock reasonable costs is Rp. 30.000, -.
er forget, if there is already able to unlock huawei c2601 which version of November, bagiin I, anterin wrote to: n.cell_354@yahoo.co.id pleaaaase ..................!
Ariel haryanto, on February 7, 2008 at 2:40 pm said:
just want to remind course, esia again no matter unlock huawei sweaping you know, so the heart - the heart only if it arrived - arrived shipping paper there was an email from esia. I've got a surprise that, please click here if you want to know. if there is a legal expert, please tell more about this issue, one or not mengunlock obvious esia our own?
please shipping paper yaahhh awaited tablets
I've tried with the way the input code, but still active if pke flexi ga .. gmna tuh other cra .. ?? which appears swaktu restarted "MIN shipping paper beyond the reach of" what coud g with cra besides pke software ... ?? thanks be 4 bro ... !!!
90nZ4, on March 28, 2008 at 11:22 am said:
Tau confused Ga,,,,,,,
1) selling soft UNLOCK Huawei C2601 version august, september, october 200.000, - 2) selling soft UNLOCK Huawei shipping paper C2601 latest version 06 NOVEMBER 400,000, - which could interest hub at No. 0817723372 or email / YM in felix_orlandi @ yahoo. com
Esia to GSM throughout the province in 1700, Flexi 1900, Fren 700.
This is the second revision guw paper. guw paper improvement in this revision, explained the data cable that is more detailed and complete. and this is the answer to many questions that popped into guw. not only CA-42 is also coupled modif of CA-45. with so will many options. able to browse songs. please download http://www1.evilshare.com/c4d528b0-8428-102b-8d56-00a0c993e9d6 do not see and click macem macem contents of the code and then click Clik to download. thank'z
Hi all, there is a way to unlock for huawei c2821 ga? Right now only able to esia wrote. Also if allowed, there is a way to be able to connect to a PC or laptop? Mainly to connect to the internet and edit wallpaper or ringtone contents. Thanks a lot. Mahesa
plis help me. I esia version 13 february 2008. dong cation know how to unlock clicking. plis send an email to me, O (bah_eno_l@yahoo.co.id) I would be very grateful. plisss ... .plisss ... .plissss. bagi2 experience yaaaaaaa
I mo mas ask me? hpku also managed to unlock mmuakasih ya dah ....? he could c2601 modem tuk surf I would like to have a tutorial and download the software shipping paper tuk link sent to the email I dhikdhik_aja@yahoo.com yaw thanks buanyak
Help For Donk Soft Unlock C2801 and C Version February 2605, yes kalu Please anyone have, where gi truz way to delete a ringtone that is in C in 2801, so was qu try to browse but can not be deleted. Truz like which way to Unlock Ngebalikin like home. for konco2 who knows please email to shark_gress@yahoo.com
masi blom understand ni boss ... If the software is distinguished for c2801itu like drivers, or gmn anyway ?? If HP is already unlocked what sdh automatically detected in PC huh ?? If you want to make an internet connection on C2801 can not ??
- To surf with me yet penah c2801 try ?, there may be colleagues who've tried?
gmn how to unlock huawei c2605 ......... posing kie bosses want to use an alias pleksi flexi why g bssssssssssssssssssssssss..konter2 zinc biasane gembler on complaining help me to: steven_igel3227@yahoo.com
please dong if anyone has unlocked version of the February 13, 2008 dikirimin,
Danu, on 11 September 2008 at 11:56 pm said:
ask how to unlock esia version 13 February 2008 how ya ??? thanks ....... shipping paper
who have a version huawei c2601 version shipping paper october, november ,. syukur2 which version c2605, ..? Dedicate be dong in this forum ,. the pity sma rekan2 the other. s

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