I'm not going to prolong the agony prolonged, but will immediately note that Pony is (still) one of the fabulous restaurants in Copenhagen, which is in the middle price class, but with improbable good value for money.
Pony is located in the premises battle foam where Kadeau previously roamed. And it is no wonder, for it is a little brother battle foam to the popular Bornholm lighthouse. In the kitchen it is Lars Lundø who is head chef and Tommi Kondo Sasaki, who strongly seconded derer.
Lars comes from Svinkløv Seaside hotel while Kondo has infested battle foam the both NIMB and Munkebo Inn. The other day you could also see Kondo low Japanese-style cooking in Go'Morgen battle foam Denmark on TV2. Something as he has done previously battle foam for Dining Club at Odd Fellow Palace. Oh, and so is the way both part of chefs group Na-Cl.
Enough about the two gentlemen, "last but not least" then there is a third man who should not be forgotten. It is René Renissen that controls the wine bottles with an iron fist. It's hard to imagine a more pleasant and knowledgeable sommelier.
We were placed on the table in the bar and right next to the kitchen. As a bit of a madnørd it is an added luxury to be able to sit here and lurk all the tricks in the kitchen and to otherwise enjoy Kondo and Lars' entertaining company.
Beautiful, semi dried sausages from Hallegård on Bornholm. Some small, very salty and smoked "bandits," as you really battle foam should hold back not to be fed with appetizers or feel like cold beer.
One might naturally have been expected battle foam that the classic smoked herring would have been on the table, but it is a way also courageously serving another smoked fish, as most of us (probably) have enjoyed battle foam on the island.
Fresh Smoked battle foam mackerel served with dill mayo, crumble the bread and homemade pickles. Or gherkins - the size was like on any NY deli with homemade pastrami and grape cucumbers with the special name.
Slightly violently with two of its kind and in mint condition, but they tasted good and I feel like most women, I may horrible like this kind of pickle arteries. Heavy, celery, butter battle foam and chestnuts
The tongue was on the plate in thin slices with chestnuts in two textures: paper thin, crisp slices and toasted vermicelli. In one celery in brown butter, grass green "parsley powder" and an almost caramelized, reduced chicken stock with apple juice.
It was a wonderfully tasty and well composed right. The cool from horseradish cream with the sharp touch to the soft and very delicate fish, the sweet and sour onions battle foam and spice from the dill. MUMS with mums on.
The method of ridge is an ancient method of preservation. The fish "marinating" in salt and sugar for an appropriate period. In the case of a small and quite flat fish such as delete all, it is important that the fish are not marinate a long time and therefore is appropriate for 5-6 hours. The meat is a very delicate and fuller flavor. Moreover, one can of course add spices / herbs and add another dimension.
A mash of half a potato battle foam (bake) and half butter thereto grilled squid which after the grill had gotten a little aromatic parsley oil. Crispy potato chips covered all the glory and finally sprinkled with jet black hasselnøddemalt.
We were not scared of butter or tentacles that night and everything was cooked to perfection. It is not often that opportunity plancha there and all elements prepared in this flat grill, just get a nice taste. Leek, cream cheese, thyme and ash
It was a fine dish that won on closer acquaintance. battle foam The thinking maybe not by much, but the combination of the good leeks with the right tangy Loki and a shot of thyme did well. Fine mellemret before the main courses. Cod, artichokes and söl
During the foam saved however, a piece of perfectly steamed cod garnished with a little raw Jerusalem artichoke, a dehydrated ditto, which was rehydrated in butter (and a little water). The foam was the sweetest clam sauce and the reddish sprinkle dried söl as roe from completely.
The baked, dried Jerusalem artichoke, which was resurrected tasted absolutely fantastic. The look was perhaps not the prettiest, but a great sweetness, combined with land chef characteristic nøddesmag. Wow.
Band of beetroot covered for containing pickled, salt baked beetroot puree of black trumpet hats and braised pig buyer. Crunchy topping of the finest curled pork rind and slightly sour / sweet from cubes of dehydrated apples.
Now it should rightfully be the photographer who notified this right. But it would require a bit of a concession. Beetroot wont namely to be no hit, but in combination with pig and pork rinds, and I love that it could easily be eaten.
René had spoiled us and let us taste a few reds for food, but as you might have noticed, I was that day a little leisurely madblogger single focus on .... yes, the food .... and confined himself to enjoy the wine. In the full.
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