Copied from napkinrings How adorable is the project Laurie sent in for her feature today? I love how even after the reception these charming napkin rings could be used again for festive dinner parties or the everyday meal. Oh, and the fabrics Laurie chose are too cute together!
Materials: Fabric ( a 2” x 2” scrap for each button) Cover Buttons ( 1 ½” in diameter, one per napkin ring) Ribbon ( 6” length per ring, 1” wide) Thread Tools: Scissors Needle
Resources: Fabric: “Leaf Honeycomb” by Joelle Hoverson and Moda “Green Butterfly zotefoams Lace” available at All other supplies available and fabric zotefoams and craft stores.
1. zotefoams Begin by ironing your fabric so it’s free of wrinkles. Follow the instructions on the cover button package to create your buttons. There are several styles of cover buttons. zotefoams With all, you’ll be cutting a circle of your fabric with their template, stretching the fabric over the top of the button, then snapping the back on the button. ( see figure 1 and 2)
2. Cut a length of ribbon 6 inches long. Run the ribbon through the metal loop on the back, so the finished button is centered on the ribbon with the right side of the ribbon facing up. (see figure 3)
4. Approximately 1/4 of an inch from the ribbon edges, do a straight stitch to close the “ring”. Tie off your thread with a sturdy knot. Trim away loose threads. (see figure 5)
5. Turn the ring you just created right side out, so the button is on top. Pull the ribbon through the metal loop of the button until the seam you just stitched is directly beneath, and hidden by the button. (see figure 6)
Budget: ( to create one napkin ring) Fabric – $. 03 (you can get almost 400 buttons out of a single yard of 44” fabric) Cover button – $.75 each Ribbon $.20 Total Spent $.98 each
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