Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Brussels, for example, are free of GMOs (GMO-free) under Article on coexistence. A member can still

Notes from screening in Brussels on food safety which was broadcast live in the Chamber of Commerce. Notes: Notes are partly in Serbian, ufp technologies partly in English. Parts are in Serbian ufp technologies as he spoke translator. I rarely changed expressions. I did not have to write down all the questions (the first day I missed 2) because of the speed of conversation. I did not have to write down all of the presentations ufp technologies (all of these laws) crossing the slides quickly, and give presentations anyway our delegation. But the most important thing that has been said, and the specific obligations ufp technologies that are presented I wrote neatly. If you are boring states laws go on longer passages which are usually more specific and non-bureaucratic. DAY 5 (02.07.2014)
Swifts - deals with the bulbs.
- Mandatory registration (Article 29)
Answer: Office working with CPVR every 3 years check your things, technical things that have to be applied. There are rules that you must follow and somewhat more flexible rules. ufp technologies Varieties in the field who use CPVR will check that maybe you do not cheat. New tests fail for all varieties.
The competent ufp technologies authorities of the Member States ufp technologies are unable to always dostavljalju information on seeds. It's a bit tricky question. You should ufp technologies see what your main culture, whether it is a sunflower or something else. Each EU country has what her priority.
g) The traceability of GM food and GM feed
And for the market:
- Member States may carry out its own assessment of the risks! (Member state can complete its own risk assessment and the competent authority). States may also disagrees ufp technologies with the agency EFSA (States can also disagree with the EFSA)
APPROVED GMOs - Member States to the new information about the risks and may adopt measures to ban GMOs. Some Member ufp technologies States use this option when there is no risk. Eg. ban on Chinese imports which is found neodbreni GMOs.
2010 - The Commission has proposed to amend Directive 2001/18 / EC in order to give Member States more possibilities to ban the cultivation of GMOs, but it is blocked in the European Council. (Eng. Commission proposed to amend Dir 2001/18 / EC to increase the possibilities for Member States to ban GMO cultivation but it was blocked and the European Council)
Labelling a product 'No GMO' - study of risk will be released in the coming months in order to harmonize the legislation in this area. Consumers require labeling which proves that the product is GMO.
QUESTION (Vanja Kojic): 6 EU countries voted prohibition under Article 23 of Directive 2001/18 / EC. How do they cope with the WTO? France has banned and corn that has been approved and Luxembourg almost nothing is aligned from the law!
Answer: It was blocked. Parliament approved but was blocked by the European Council, on the grounds that they do not see professional reasons to do so. Some large countries are responsible for blocking and over 20 were for that decision. The process needs to be unblocked, because we think that in the interests of the big countries such as France, which is partly responsible for the blockage, and again it on its territory prohibits GMOs. We try to convince them to change their attitude.
Brussels, for example, are free of GMOs (GMO-free) under Article on coexistence. A member can still ban GMOs if demonstrate the scientific evidence. ufp technologies Do their research, they come with scientific papers and say they do so because ufp technologies of a new risk. QUESTION: Med. GM pollen in honey plants. Has anything changed regarding GM plant products in the trace? Answer: Every GM material must be approved, and pollen from the honey was completely forgotten. They wanted the court to prove that pollen ingredient! And that's just wrong. Pollen must be recognized as an integral part of honey, and usually it is less than 0.1% in honey. ufp technologies There is an agreement between Member States on this and will soon be officially. QUESTION: Switching lab in Serbia dealing with GMOs (total of 4) in the laboratory network of the EU. How to join the network from the EU and whether there is a possibility to participate before Serbia's accession to the EU? Answer: It should be possible to participate in the network and before joining, but do not know exactly how. Send us a letter and we will respond with details. QUESTION: In Serbia is the one dietary product for athletes that contains soy found in GM soy (!). For the EU to act on this issue? Answer: GMOs must be approved. If not approved, also, a policy of zero tolerance and the product immediately removed from the shelves, ie. Member State markets. DAY 4 (06.02.2014)
NOTE: Fale three presentations: 'Novel foods',' Frozen food and contamination ',' ufp technologies The control rules and funding. I was not present. ufp technologies It is likely to be typed when or if we get a snapshot of how the organizers promised. 10:45 - Legislation for specific categories ufp technologies of food - says Yvette Alopardi
1925/2006 - Annexes I and II define the permitted vitamins and minerals and their labeling. A provision is concerned and maximum values. The EU does not have a fully harmonized legislation on this this

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