Saturday, February 7, 2015

Glue various sizes at home. Use circles for shingles on the roof. Use markers or crayons if each pi

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Pinking shears and scissors regularly or scrap booking scissors with scalloped the honeycombs have i the right edges
Web pages or use the provided template for a gingerbread house, find your own pages. Shapes the honeycombs have i the right and sizes needed to assemble cut your gingerbread house. A rectangle, a square, a triangle and a parallelogram will need.
Any color as your background, use a full sheet of craft foam, glue it in place as a home to cut out the pieces. parallelogram your roof will be the peak of the roof triangle. See the image for placement of shapes.
Glue various sizes at home. Use circles for shingles on the roof. Use markers or crayons if each piece needs to look like your favorite candy. Buttons, beads, feathers, the honeycombs have i the right and small toys to use to decorate the house.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Google

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