Friday, February 27, 2015

The north pole of the earth attract the positive elements of the sun

Admin felt that the study of a given author with some analysis and comments related to the Quran and science can open up a little bit about the way we view technology Flying Saucer or what we call UFOs.
Some explanation or citation, have admin try extracted by reducing and or add some parts of the analysis to further facilitate the understanding of the analysis, but still does not eliminate the core and purpose to be submitted by the author.
Let's Think, is not important that the Qur'an is very good information to be studied? flight case foam Very modern civilization, buildings are built very high, the removal of the palace done in a short time at the time of Solomon flight case foam and certainly more things that we do not think it possible to do with the technology that existed at that time.
The question flight case foam is, why such advanced civilizations that were destroyed? But the remnants of civilization that we can still meet present and who is capable of carrying and control of the civilization in the present?
Surely God hold up the sky and the earth lest disappeared; and indeed if they will disappear no one can resist both besides Allah. He is the Ever Forbearing, Oft-Forgiving.
But despite all the celestial bodies, especially the planets have Rawasia but each has a different appeal. It depends on the distance of a planet from the sun as the center point surrounded.
The closer a planet in the solar magnetic appeal smaller and thicker atmosphere surrounding the planet. Conversely, if a planet away from the sun, the greater the value of the magnetic attraction and the atmosphere is thinner. Similarly, the arrangement of the stars orbiting in a galaxy regions, varying the value of its appeal. flight case foam
Earth and the other planets have Rawasia with a system called Simple, For example, we use the planet flight case foam itself. From north keselatan longitudinal Rawasia or rod magnets that rotate flight case foam the earth 3600 within 24 hours (exactly 23 Hours 56 minutes).
It applies prolonged. The north pole of the earth is the tip of the magnetic Rawasia diselatannya negative and positive, which is the inverse of the magnetic elements owned by the sun on both poles, and it is this which causes the attraction between the earth and the sun throughout the era.
The north pole of the earth attract the positive elements of the sun's surface while throwing negative elements drawn by the sun's north pole. The south pole of the earth attract flight case foam negative elements while throwing positive elements drawn by the sun's south pole.
Magnetic element in the earth's north and south poles passed in the bowels flight case foam of the earth and perantukannya can cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. So the Earth's magnetic poles just out dikutub-and hence the planet's surface is used for a practical freeze life. Such Rawasia function we call the Simple flight case foam system.
If people pay attention to the position of the earth's magnetic pool in the north and in the south, it is evident that the pool or Rawasia flight case foam end it is always migrated as far as the maximum of 100 of the polar rotation of the earth, or as far as 1,100 kilometers. This fits with the intent of the following paragraph:
The point is that there are times when the sun is shining on the earth's flight case foam equator, the time it was recorded around March 21 and September flight case foam 22. If on the date that we pay attention to the compass needle was visible both right pointing towards the north and south poles of the Earth's spin.
Sometimes the sun was tilted flight case foam to the south, calendar time was recorded around December 22, just be the height of summer dibelahan southern hemisphere and winter peak dibelahan boreal.
On the date the person flight case foam would be able to notice that the compass needle moves as far as 100 from the north pole of rotation of the earth because as stated earlier, flight case foam the end of the earth Rawasia always form an isosceles triangle flight case foam with the sun.
Earth who weighs about 600 billion tons of not falling in the sun for power lantingnya (centrifugal) in orbit, otherwise he is not far off its orbit terlanting detained by power fall (gravity) on the sun as the center of the orbit.
Rawasialah flight case foam only applicable as centrifugal force and gravity universal cause every planet that rotates disumbunya while took him around the sun. Now we suppose, what if the power used while the power of the earth lanting fall eliminated? flight case foam
When that happens, then the practical earth will drift away leaving flight case foam the sun as disclosed in the above sura 35:41. So the centrifugal force thus can be used to fly away if the gravitational force is removed. Finally we hit

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