Tuesday, March 24, 2015

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Artificial leaf summarizes fuel from sunlight | kfxpower
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have created egg foam a kind of leaf tree articificial egg foam able to create fuel from sunlight. The prototype was so named because both when the leaf of a tree, can synthesize a chemical fuel and store it for energy later.
Composed of a silicon cell - the same material used in the photovoltaic - mateirias different catalysts having bonded to each of its faces, the artificial leaf does not require external control systems. In a tank with water, the device begins to generate egg foam bubbles, oxygen and some others hydrogen. If the container has a barrier that separates the two streams of bubbles, you can store them and use them later to generate energy. The example cited by the researchers in the article published in the journal Science is to use the bubbles in a cell that recombine the two chemical elements, turning them back into water, and release electric current in the process.
According to Daniel Nocera, lead researcher and professor of chemistry at MIT, the artificial leaf is composed of a thin silicon wafer, used to transform sunlight into electricity. On one side of the blade there is a cobalt layer responsible for, release the catalyst with oxygen bolhs - the discovery that the gas is fuel was also made by Nocera, in 2008. The other side of the "sheet" has an alloy layer nickel, molybdenum and zinc, in charge egg foam of hydrogen bubbles. egg foam
The researcher notes that cobalt, nickel and silicon exist in abudância in nature, which cheapens the construction of the device. egg foam This would be one of creating differential, since some previous initiatives tried to break the water molecule from sunlight using rare and expensive egg foam materials such as platinum. other experiments used corrosive solutions, which is not the case of the "sheet" described in the article - also signed by post-doctoral student Steven Reece.
The issue of costs is another important point of the research. Chemists have created a version of the "leaf" that uses cables to connect the catalysts silicon cell, and are doing tests to see which option is best in terms of value for money. The wireless version recorded 2.5% efficiency of use of sunlight, and the wired scored 4.7% - commercial photovoltaic panels have efficiencies above 10%. Another option under consideration is the substitution of silicon by other photovoltaic materials, such as iron oxide, which has much lower cost. "It's all about creating options," concludes Nocera. egg foam
For him, the next step in the research is to create small, composite particles in the same way, that work more like photosynthetic algae than as leaves. The advantage in this case would be greater contact area between the water and the creation and the sun, increasing egg foam its efficiency- the other hand, create a barrier system for separating the gas bubbles would be more complicated, considering.
Despite the proven egg foam operation, aritfical sheet is not yet ready for commercialization, since need attachments egg foam capable of collecting systems bubbles and store them for later combustion and power generation. "But it is a step, and we are on track," said Nocera. to the researcher, in the future it would be possible that the houses suprissem your systems with energy demand as well, which would also solve the problem of unstable electricity networks in some regions of the planet.
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