Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Thinking about infinity, the first thing that comes to mind is the universe. Stars, galaxies, objec - What is infinity?
Thinking about infinity, the first thing that comes to mind is the universe. Stars, galaxies, objects billions of light years away. If the universe is indeed infinite? The answer to this question is not yet known with certainty. "What we can say is that the region's understandable in our universe is consumed. That's because the universe has a defined age, about 13.7 billion and light travels at a speed correctly. No information can reach a distance so great that when the universe was born, "says a professor astronomy and astrophysics from the University of Studies of Milan. Universe at wire above assertion applies only to what scientists call "observable universe". "Whatever the global geometry of space, beyond the horizon we can see, we have never been able to penetrate, eva foam sheets but we know that the nature of finite or infinite space depends on the total density of matter and energy of the universe", says Assistant Professor . In other words, if the density is large enough, the universe is finite, infinite otherwise. Unfortunately value as determined by scientists lies in the middle, so for the moment there is no correct answer. With precision, we know that the universe is unlimited, meaning that there is an external border, as for example the soccer ball. Surface in 3D A soccer ball is a relatively small object, but with correct proportions (The ordinary he should have a circumference of 68-70 cm). But try to explain this one ant: will forever walk on its surface, getting nowhere?
What if the ball was huge? In fact, circular surface no limit, in the sense that it is not endless, but can be scrolled endlessly. Even the universe is like the surface of a circle: if an astronaut will always traveling in the same direction, there will never be another border, like ants. But there is only one difference: the ant moves within an area, while astronaut travels within a volume. eva foam sheets Incredible amount Since ancient times, man is faced with the concept of the infinite, the pakapshmes and ambiguity, because it goes against the normal flow. An example? Imagine the amount 1+ half (1/2) + one fourth (1/4) + one eighth (1/8) and so on to infinity. It is known that the further you go, the more reduced eva foam sheets terms (1/4 is half of 1/2, 1/8 is half of 1/4) always However it is a lot that goes towards infinity eva foam sheets and therefore think the result would be endless. But in fact it is not, because the result of this sum is 2. "This kind of amount of mathematicians called 'numerical'" says founder and president of "Garden of Archimedes", a mathematical museum in Florence center. She always wins "It is in this kind of amount are based on the famous paradoxes like the Achilles and the tortoise, proposed by the elease Zenon philosophy in the century. V BC, "he adds. Basically, the paradox says that although Achilles is "faster", no animal will ever achieve slow. According to Zenon, the reason is simple: suppose eva foam sheets the turtles is a meter ahead. To walk that distance, Achilles will take time, even if it be short. But at the same time the turtles will be shifted through. Again Achilles would later traverse this distance second, while the turtles will move forward again, and so on to infinity. However, experience teaches us that Achilles catches the tortoise with a foot. In fact, the reasoning of Zenon seemed correct, the problem is that we, like the ancient Greeks, we find it hard to believe that a lot can be endless and limited simultaneously. But here is the so! Less. Or not? When argue for infinite numbers paradoxical thing is that at the same time may be the same and different. There is nothing surprising that Georg Cantor, the mathematician who first studied this concept, spent his last days in a psychiatric hospital, while Leopold Kronecker bashkëkohori despised his discoveries called "no sense ". Let us take for example the numbers you learn to recognize when we are children: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ... These are called natural numbers. Then take those square of a full number: 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49 ... second group is naturally smaller, although both contain the same amount (infinite) elements. I commend explain eva foam sheets ... One here, one there Take any number of the first group, for example 27 minutes in the first group is just a number eva foam sheets that can be paired with, 729 (which is the square of 27); now get a number whatsoever of the second group, for example 49 minutes in the first group is just a number that can be paired with, 7 (which is the square root of 49). In other words, any number eva foam sheets of groups

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