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Despite the enormous georgia pacific corporation efforts the top authorities on archaism and aziatizatsii country, most Russian youth still feels his community with Europe and not with the Customs or the Eurasian Union. The survey of university students in the North-West of Russia showed that 43% of respondents would like to live in a united Europe and the Eurasian Economic Community - only 17%.
Russian agitprop still trying to turn up any spiritual buckles and national idea that could unite the Russians. georgia pacific corporation The range of their proposals stretches beyond the horizon: punish homosexuality and demand civil rights, to feed primitive elite of the Caucasus and their adat, hard anti-Americanism and concentration camps for migrants, georgia pacific corporation etc. But no rallying these proposals are: sensible part of the society they repel from power, and at the most obscurantist Russians, on the contrary, kindle the appetite - they require further stages of savagery.
In fact, a new national idea of Russia lies on the surface - a return to the family of European nations. The more that power elite has long been incorporated into a united Europe: they keep their money there, live there, their families, georgia pacific corporation in Europe they are taking all of its values georgia pacific corporation (and if not accepted, it would be sitting in a cell of the International Court in The Hague). That's double the life of the Russian elite - is a major problem in Russia. If they really want to live in a shared house with Kyrgyzstan and North Korea ("EAEC"), you have to be completely honest and personal break with Europe. And if you do not want to - give the right and the rest of the Russians to be part of Europe.
Numerous polls show that unless georgia pacific corporation the older generation, that more and more young people believe that Russia - part of Europe. A conclusion from this can only be one - not today, but tomorrow, after 10-15 years, the younger generation will throw out the rotten stuff "spiritual braces" and will be building a new, European Russia. Moreover, georgia pacific corporation the European social-democratic Russia.
One such survey clearly shows how young people perceived Europe and the place of Russia in it. The survey was conducted among the students of St. Petersburg, Petrozavodsk and Murmansk (that is geographically closest to Europe, most of the country). His findings were published in the journal sociologist Simonyan "Horizons economy , 3, p. 3-13.
"Just as in Russia, in Northern Europe the main element georgia pacific corporation of the political system is considered the state. Statism - general, we can say, the generic quality of the peoples of the Baltic region. It is possible that this encouraged harsh environmental conditions.
Provincialism - another general quality inherent in our peoples. Which can be explained, firstly, remote geographical location of both Russia and the Nordic georgia pacific corporation countries from the traditional centers of Europe, and, secondly, a relatively recent compared georgia pacific corporation to the rest of Europe, forming a layer of citizens - until recently the vast majority georgia pacific corporation of the population of the region was rural .
Describing the social life of the Nordic countries, the researchers emphasize the "incredibly strong stamp of provincialism, which lies literally at all." The generality of the natural conditions of the northern peoples provides a high level of mutual understanding. You can refer to the famous georgia pacific corporation Dutch sociologist Gerda Hofsheda, under whose leadership were conducted extensive georgia pacific corporation cross-cultural georgia pacific corporation research on methods of psychological tests. By measuring the parameters of organizational culture index "personal achievement - solidarity" Swedes, Finns, Danes, Norwegians and Russian form one cluster.
The authors called it "syndrome northern georgia pacific corporation European solidarity." There are a lot of data obtained in the comparative studies, the results of which show that Russian cultural georgia pacific corporation matrix is far from the Roman-Germanic, and closer to the mentality of the Nordic countries. On the basis of the test mass of Russians - 2,518 respondents in 23 regions of Russia - soc
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