Monday, March 30, 2015

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In Phase III of a three-phase study, an invitational think tank was held to explore advanced nursing practice (ANP) outside British Columbia, to determine its potential modeling foam usefulness in the province and to identify barriers to its implementation there. Participants expressed support for expansion and development of ANP roles in the province and identified modeling foam the following issues to be addressed: (a) defining the role and role clarity, (b) public relations, (c) financial considerations, (d) legislation and regulation and (e) education.
A key challenge for researchers and policy makers is the integration of research findings into the formation of policy that contributes to and reflects growing popular consensus (Jennings 2001; Lomas 2000a,b; Rist 2000). As researchers and decision- makers who are studying and implementing advanced nursing practice (ANP) roles in British modeling foam Columbia, we approached modeling foam this challenge in the third and final phase of a study designed to inform policy direction regarding ANP roles in the province. The first two phases of this study were reported previously in this journal (Schreiber et al. 2005; MacDonald et al. 2005). In this paper we report findings from Phase III, in which we continued our exploration of models of advanced nursing practice in other jurisdictions, determined their potential usefulness and feasibility in British Columbia, identified barriers to implementing new nursing roles in that province and recommended modeling foam future policy directions for new nursing models there. Background
Although researchers often hope to inform policy, modeling foam actual utilization and uptake of findings is uneven (Jennings 2001; Lomas 2000a,b; Plouffe 2000; Weiss 1980). Researchers publish in academic journals that policy makers may read irregularly, with the result that important findings may be read and valued only by other academics. Too often the result is two solitudes, a situation modeling foam we hoped to avoid by collaborating widely throughout this research project and, in particular, in Phase III. This intent is in line with one mandate of the study's key funder, the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation (CHSRF): to build bridges between researchers and policy makers to increase the probability that policy and research can develop concurrently and inform each other (Lomas 2000a,b). For CHSRF, knowledge exchange is as important as the study's design, and to this end, the links between researchers and decision-makers, as well as with the wider nursing and healthcare communities, have been strengthened throughout the study.
The original impetus for this study arose from an identified gap in policy regarding ANP and related roles, making it difficult for decision-makers to develop policy and move forward modeling foam with their implementation. Although clinical modeling foam nurse specialists have worked as advanced practice nurses in Canada for more than 30 years, interest in the role of nurse practitioners has increased. Nurse practitioner initiatives in Canada have been spearheaded by governments (e.g., the registered nurse (extended class) in Ontario), by the nursing profession (e.g., nurse practitioners in Alberta) and by interdisciplinary or intersectoral collaborations (e.g., the acute care nurse practitioner and clinical nurse practitioner-neonatal modeling foam

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