Wednesday, May 6, 2015

# 3 Plamen Tanev

Hello colleagues, drive A6 ts5 2001, quattro 2.4 petrol engine BDV (170konya). I want to ask whether there otnostno rack matter what is put and I decided to change, what to look for - new, second hand or recycled. If you are looking for second hand what models and engine can take and recycle if you have an idea for places where I can drive.
The problem stretch folie led to the idea of change is as follows: a sunny day began to sizzle izvednash very strong pump and the oil had become than at the foam on top, and the answer was that less oil and that air has entered. Dolya its oil and a little steering subsided. After 20-30 days, so it was dropped level and sizzle. Now I do it for the third time and it looked as saying that curve or rack or seals or swabs run, but I did not understand exactly. stretch folie
# 3 Plamen Tanev
Overall I like my most searched for are in morgues are 2.5TDI.Razlika between gasoline stretch folie and diesel quattro nyama.Ima difference in older models that are external damper, so looking after 2001. And watch manufacturer ZF, not Kouo. Prices were about 150-200lv. Back to top
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