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Find out about promotions divinycell foam polystyrene extruded foam polystyrene from BASF foam polystyrene divinycell standard various brands of styrofoam plates with įdirbtom ceramic decorative panels of expanded polystyrene panels for heating divinycell floors laid out and fix the heating pipes irremovable (persistence) bearing divinycell external and internal walls are made of two forms of expanded polystyrene (EPS ) panels, which are connected by a predetermined distance with a special steel reinforcement divinycell laminated divinycell structure (covering the) expanded polystyrene panels for thermal divinycell roofs, floors and underground statynių parts of expanded polystyrene insulation panels for increased humidity in the room styrofoam pellets View entire catalog
Information / inquiries / trading hall tel. + 370 5 261 69 56 Tel. +370 5 261 80 21 Fax. +370 5 262 40 51 Commercial / Procurement Division tel. + 370 5 261 80 21 Mob. + 370 640 62 626 Mob. + 370 687 33 909 Mob. + 370 656 41 331 Finance / accounting department te / fax. +370 5 262 40 51 Tech Garden Greenhouses Garden Equipment and Tools Tel. +370 5 261 80 21 Mob. +370 656 41331 Mob. + 370 640 62 626 Wood Roofing Trade Division Tel. +370 5 261 80 21 Mob. + 370 656 41 331 roofing, bricks, blocks, slabs mob. + 370 640 62 626 Cement Wholesale mob. + 370 640 62626 trade @ Boilers, Solid fuel tel. + 370 5 261 80 21 Mob. +370 656 41331 Mob. + 370 640 62 626 Folding mob. + 370 656 41 331 Mob. + 370 640 62 626 divinycell Address: divinycell
Product presentation EN RU Offer Products LENTPJŪVĖ CALCULATOR Folding CONSTRUCTION divinycell WORK IN VILNIUS ABOUT US CONTACT foam polystyrene
Polystyrene foam: easy to use, low cost; unsurpassed thermal properties; harmless to health; Environmentally friendly; , which has a combustion inhibiting flame retardants; ilgagamžis; biologically neutral; effective insulation of the outer envelope divinycell material.
Used for flat roofs and pitched roofs above rafter insulation.
Building facade exterior insulation divinycell polystyrene plates - the most effective thermal insulation effect both new construction and renovation of old buildings.
EPA 80 / underfloor insulation foam used for the installation of electricity or hot water heated divinycell floors. Heated floor insulation required Insulation resistance to compression. It is characterized by the feature the polystyrene foam board. We can offer expanded polystyrene panels according to your size and the desired thickness.
Floors divinycell with heat insulation after leveling concrete layer may be exposed to soil, without sound insulation requirements; load on the floor surface of the large (book stores, archives, industrial plants, parking divinycell lots, swimming pools, etc.).
Styrodur C BASF is produced by extruding divinycell a rigid polystyrene raw putplastis.Visoms Styrodur C species is characterized by good thermal insulation, low water absorption and high compressive strength. Styrodur C inhibits the ignition, and its quality control officially supervised by an independent authority. Due to its unique properties Styrodur C used in many construction and civil engineering fields. Styrodur C does not contain CFCs, HCFCs and HFCs compounds.
Using Styrodur C, the heating of buildings or refrigerate uses less energy, reduces the thermal load, thus increasing their service life and value. Styrodur C for specific types of structures and provides more structural freedom for architects and planners. Product applications are practically endless.
Styrodur C been tested divinycell and tested for more than 25 years. A large number of expert reports and samples taken from different structures, which has long been used Styrodur C confirms that Styrodur C - especially good material. In order to continue to maintain this high standard of quality in many countries performed Styrodur C quality control, formally supervised by independent divinycell bodies.
Styrodur CS C3035 uses: Perimeter insulation plinth insulation Floor insulation and industrial refrigeration floors Wall insulation divinycell cold bridge insulation flat roof insulation Pitched Roof Terrace / roofs insulation Road / rail insulation
Styrodur C extruded polystyrene panels CS 3035 potential dimensions Thickness mm 30 40 50 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Width mm 615 615 615 615 615 615 615 615 615 615 Length mm 1265 1265 1265 1265 1265 12
Find out about promotions divinycell foam polystyrene extruded foam polystyrene from BASF foam polystyrene divinycell standard various brands of styrofoam plates with įdirbtom ceramic decorative panels of expanded polystyrene panels for heating divinycell floors laid out and fix the heating pipes irremovable (persistence) bearing divinycell external and internal walls are made of two forms of expanded polystyrene (EPS ) panels, which are connected by a predetermined distance with a special steel reinforcement divinycell laminated divinycell structure (covering the) expanded polystyrene panels for thermal divinycell roofs, floors and underground statynių parts of expanded polystyrene insulation panels for increased humidity in the room styrofoam pellets View entire catalog
Information / inquiries / trading hall tel. + 370 5 261 69 56 Tel. +370 5 261 80 21 Fax. +370 5 262 40 51 Commercial / Procurement Division tel. + 370 5 261 80 21 Mob. + 370 640 62 626 Mob. + 370 687 33 909 Mob. + 370 656 41 331 Finance / accounting department te / fax. +370 5 262 40 51 Tech Garden Greenhouses Garden Equipment and Tools Tel. +370 5 261 80 21 Mob. +370 656 41331 Mob. + 370 640 62 626 Wood Roofing Trade Division Tel. +370 5 261 80 21 Mob. + 370 656 41 331 roofing, bricks, blocks, slabs mob. + 370 640 62 626 Cement Wholesale mob. + 370 640 62626 trade @ Boilers, Solid fuel tel. + 370 5 261 80 21 Mob. +370 656 41331 Mob. + 370 640 62 626 Folding mob. + 370 656 41 331 Mob. + 370 640 62 626 divinycell Address: divinycell
Product presentation EN RU Offer Products LENTPJŪVĖ CALCULATOR Folding CONSTRUCTION divinycell WORK IN VILNIUS ABOUT US CONTACT foam polystyrene
Polystyrene foam: easy to use, low cost; unsurpassed thermal properties; harmless to health; Environmentally friendly; , which has a combustion inhibiting flame retardants; ilgagamžis; biologically neutral; effective insulation of the outer envelope divinycell material.
Used for flat roofs and pitched roofs above rafter insulation.
Building facade exterior insulation divinycell polystyrene plates - the most effective thermal insulation effect both new construction and renovation of old buildings.
EPA 80 / underfloor insulation foam used for the installation of electricity or hot water heated divinycell floors. Heated floor insulation required Insulation resistance to compression. It is characterized by the feature the polystyrene foam board. We can offer expanded polystyrene panels according to your size and the desired thickness.
Floors divinycell with heat insulation after leveling concrete layer may be exposed to soil, without sound insulation requirements; load on the floor surface of the large (book stores, archives, industrial plants, parking divinycell lots, swimming pools, etc.).
Styrodur C BASF is produced by extruding divinycell a rigid polystyrene raw putplastis.Visoms Styrodur C species is characterized by good thermal insulation, low water absorption and high compressive strength. Styrodur C inhibits the ignition, and its quality control officially supervised by an independent authority. Due to its unique properties Styrodur C used in many construction and civil engineering fields. Styrodur C does not contain CFCs, HCFCs and HFCs compounds.
Using Styrodur C, the heating of buildings or refrigerate uses less energy, reduces the thermal load, thus increasing their service life and value. Styrodur C for specific types of structures and provides more structural freedom for architects and planners. Product applications are practically endless.
Styrodur C been tested divinycell and tested for more than 25 years. A large number of expert reports and samples taken from different structures, which has long been used Styrodur C confirms that Styrodur C - especially good material. In order to continue to maintain this high standard of quality in many countries performed Styrodur C quality control, formally supervised by independent divinycell bodies.
Styrodur CS C3035 uses: Perimeter insulation plinth insulation Floor insulation and industrial refrigeration floors Wall insulation divinycell cold bridge insulation flat roof insulation Pitched Roof Terrace / roofs insulation Road / rail insulation
Styrodur C extruded polystyrene panels CS 3035 potential dimensions Thickness mm 30 40 50 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Width mm 615 615 615 615 615 615 615 615 615 615 Length mm 1265 1265 1265 1265 1265 12
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