Tuesday, May 12, 2015

He claims that World Trade Centre bomber Ramzi Yousef, who is in the same Supermax prison as him, tr

Home foam underlay / Dini / Habari za Kimataifa / Jailed 9/11 hijacker Zacarias Moussaoui accuses two of Saudi's most senior royals - including a former ambassador to US - of 'paying for Osama bin Laden's terror plot' in extraordinary claim from prison
Jailed 9/11 hijacker Zacarias Moussaoui accuses two of Saudi's most senior royals - including a former ambassador to US - of 'paying for Osama bin Laden's terror plot' in extraordinary claim from prison
  Accused: Prince Turki al-Faisal is named by Zacarias Moussaoui in a letter to a federal judge as a funder of the 9/11 terror attacks. The Saudi government has always denied any involvement in the attacks or their funding 
  Close relationship: President George W. Bush with Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the then Saudi Arabian ambassador, in August 27, at Bush's Ranch in Crawford, Texas. Prince Bandar was succeeded by Prince Faisal as ambassador
Prince Turki al-Faisal, 67, is a former Saudi ambassador to the United States and a former Saudi intelligence chief. He ran its intelligence service for 24 years. foam underlay
He foam underlay stepped down from the latter post on September 1st 2001, 10 days before 9/11. He was ambassador to London in 2003 before the invasion of Iraq and was ambassador to Washington from July 2005 until December 2006.
Prince Faisal attended Lawrenceville, a boarding school near Princeton, followed by Georgetown foam underlay University before rising up the ranks in the Saudi royal family, where his brothers dominate the top posts in the Arab nation’s government. 
Last year he took the unusual step of criticizing the US government and said that Saudi Arabia was sick of President Obama marking red lines then seeing them become ‘pinkish as time grew’.
She has previously faced claims of involvement foam underlay in 9/11 before and two of the hijackers, - Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi - supposedly received regular $3,500 a month payments from two friends who got it from an account in her name.
He claims that World Trade Centre bomber Ramzi Yousef, who is in the same Supermax prison as him, tried to persuade him to keep quiet under a CIA deal to spare Al Qaeda mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed from the death penalty after his military tribunal in Guantanamo Bay, where he is being held.
'Even if he somehow got to the point where he could testify, there would be a credibility issue,' said Carl Tobias, foam underlay a professor at the University of Richmond School of Law. 'Would his testimony be valuable? That's doubtful.'
Moussaoui, who refers to himself in writing as 'Slave of Allah,' was first arrested on immigration charges in August 2001 after employees of a Minnesota flight school became alarmed foam underlay that he wanted to learn to fly a Boeing foam underlay 747 - even though he had no pilot's license.
Moussaoui also wrote to the clerk in federal court in Brooklyn in September, saying he had seen a report on Fox News about another suit accusing the Jordan-based Arab Bank of helping finance suicide bombings in Israel. He said he was willing to testify, but the plaintiffs never took it seriously.
At foam underlay Supermax, Florence ADX - known as the 'Alcatraz foam underlay of the Rockies' - Moussaoui is subject to restrictions requiring screening of any attempt to communicate with the outside world. However, there are exceptions for court filings.
Previously Prince Bandar highlighted the findings of the 9/11 Commission report. When it was published in 2004 it concluded that it had found 'no evidence that the Saudi government as an institution or senior Saudi officials individually funded the organization' of the attacks. 
At the time Prince Bandar said: 'The 9/11 Commission has confirmed what we have been saying all along. The clear statements by this independent, bipartisan commission have debunked the myths that have cast fear and doubt over Saudi Arabia.’
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