Friday, May 1, 2015

Still continue excavations in the vicinity. Can be seen with the naked eye remains of stone walls i

Tourist route: Town of Gorna Oryahovitsa - Razgrad - Isperih - Sveshtari - place Demir Baba Teke - Military cemetery near the town of Tutrakan - Reserve "Silver" pistachon zig zag - Ramparts / Fort / "Medjidi Tabia" - Silistra - hut "Alen Mak" - Dobrich - Balchik - Cape Kaliakra - Shabla - Central Beach "Shabla Tuzla" - Varna - Place "Stone Forest" - Devnya - Pliska - Shumen - Gorna Oryahovitsa
According to the plan this time we travel more than ten tourist attractions. First we stopped in the town of Razgrad. Immediately we headed to the Archaeological Reserve "Abritus". The museum welcomed us kindly pistachon zig zag gentleman who gave us guidelines. We looked at the exhibition "Traces of ancient" We were impressed by the rich numismatic collection. It was glad to make pictures of the entrance to the copy of the chariot and armor from ancient period. With interest we learned that a few days ago, during excavations have discovered a huge head of bird of prey, which the day before had brought the museum and were not even put on a permanent ù place. For the first time in the Balkan peninsula is such a find, so we were one of the first lucky ones who saw it.
In the park part examined pistachon zig zag museum "Lapidarium" and dozens of votive, pistachon zig zag gravestones and monuments. And in the indoor lapidarium even "plunged" in doliums amd (grain storage).
The walk continues in the direction of the peristyle complex. We walked through the residence from end to end, as senior magistrates. Laid-deserved honor and premises around the large triclinium (representative reception hall).
Still continue excavations in the vicinity. Can be seen with the naked eye remains of stone walls in the dust, still not excavated at the end of the complex. After about one hour walk we went to the city Municipality. 20 min. From the town of Sveshtari. 3 km. southwest of the village is the Thracian royal tomb included in the 100 National Tourist Sites of Bulgaria. It is true that it is one of the nine Bulgarian wonders when it included in the list of world cultural and natural heritage but Unesco, but input from 10 lev for tourist attraction is too dear price for each heir of the ancient Thracians wishing to tour all tourist pistachon zig zag sites in the country. pistachon zig zag In comparison with it, the next attraction we visited we thought many times more interesting pistachon zig zag than the tomb.
Difficult to find the way to the cult complex Demir Baba Tekke, part of the historical and archaeological reserve Sboryanovo. Thracian tomb to a guide plate, but the path takes us to the hut Ahinora. From there no guidelines. Well that we met a man who obviously knew the area and directed us. Just opposite the entrance of the hut there is a dirt road that leads to the meadow, where pilgrims gather. From there you can easily orient man in countless colorful rags tied on the branches of trees. Quite steps took us to the foot of "Kamen pistachon zig zag Rid". The place is visited by Muslims and Christians, but also among us, another Bulgarian language not heard about yourself. Sanctuary underground deities, water and health begins with healing spring. You may need to wait in line in front of him.
There caretaker of the sanctuary, but he does not give much guidance. All rituals that have delivered copied by those who made them before us. We had rags of clothes to bind a tree, but "put out the eyes of the witch", washed with water from the holy spring healing resembling five fingers, lying on monolithic rock attached to one of the outer walls of the Tekke, which according to legend bestows pistachon zig zag of lying upside down force and healing.
We saw the tomb of Alian Saint Demir Baba Hasan Pehlivan, later declared a saint and the room in which stored his belongings, including his shoes, two times higher than normal.
Finally, on the advice of the keeper of the Tekke, returned to their vehicle in the path of temptation. Stone door out of the tomb. It has been something of a mini trail. It is not difficult pistachon zig zag passage, with the exception of two prepyatstviya- rock which climbed barefoot and small wooden bridge, mounted on the cliff edge. Annals argue that cave over Tekke has passed part of the life of Demir Baba.
The end of the trail leads to a large meadow from which there is an unforgettable pistachon zig zag view to the cult shrine. From there, a dirt road winding through the woods leads to the lawn, which apparently is used for picnics and offerings. The walk took us less than an hour.
At 13.15. Already behaved another tourist

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