Zacaria who emerged with new demands. Prisoner Zacarias Moussaoui, who was imprisoned in a prison in Colorado, who has never shown his picture has emerged with new demands. Zacarias Moussaoui has served sentenced to eight years in prison, Zac is a member of the group of Al-Qaeda whose function was a blasting buildings and recently has claimed that some of the children the royal family of Saudi Arabia helped the financing of the attack of September hundred and one. Saudi Arabia already honeycomb panel has dismissed the allegations made by the offender to claim that they do not mean. In an exclusive interview with the prisoner honeycomb panel he had in prison what is under heavy guard, Zac has named the officials of the government of Saudi Arabia, including the king's son al-Faisal Al Saud, who served as security chief who allegedly kulifadhili the group of Al-Qaed end of 1990. His claim is not confined there, he alleges that he has met with the country's top officials that in Afghanistan and talk to an officer of the US embassy in the country. The attack honeycomb panel of September eleven liligharimu lives of nearly honeycomb panel three thousand people. Zac and the officer of the embassy together were expected to travel to Washington honeycomb panel to seek in a beautiful area of the setting in which such missile attacks would be gained would idungua Air Force One plane, the claims .Zac claims have been made under oath agent and never used to be recognized. Moussaoui was arrested honeycomb panel several weeks before the execution of the attack of September eleven, and was arrested for allegedly not meeting the criteria honeycomb panel for immigration and at the time of the terrorist honeycomb panel attack he was jailed ready .Zac he trained pilots in Minnesota and has been involved in the distribution of money to network associated with the group of Al Qaeda. Another program Moussaoui was set on him to discharge the duties of firing 747 bird species and toward the White House. source: MESSENGER BLOG We appreciate the visit.
Photos not associated with the event. Men Tanga shwari.Muda situation is not this president has given us approval to ARMY OF THE PEOPLE OF TANZANIA (TPDF) give ...
Sandu DEO MWL young politician I get KITCHEN MAGIC FM - Anchor the left at the picture and Sitti Mtemvu zilizotufikia Reporting table for us the JNA politician Deo Sandu MWL intends to marry mt ...
OBAMA HAJASAJAU ITS NATURE ....! Speaking KISWAHILI! - President Barack Obama has confirmed his visit to the country of origin, Kenya. honeycomb panel Has it possible for you to believe rumors of his visit mashambuli curtailed due to ...
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