Sunday, May 10, 2015

Tell me where to buy and how to change this flange that me makes me very irritating. For me, the lo

Hello. The problem is following some time watching avtomobila.V beginning of the cold months, I noticed that antifreeze has fallen quite, maybe the approximately 400-500 grama.Ponezhe the alcohol shrinks at low temperatures it is possible to have shrunk and antivrizat bet, as when warm car antifreeze expands. So I decided to watch the car, though not very convinced, I think that little amount fell somewhere about 200-250 kilometers oklo 50 grams. If the furniture was supposed to blow hoses, but alas gram not blow them. I thought variant, light leakage when the car warms up killing somewhere but I have not looked at all the hoses. So my question is because the car is a gas installation there likely to be a problem with the evaporator and scoring a little sheela foam antifreeze in (injectors) taykato it strikes me that the steam comes out of tailpipes, which I do not know if there is condensation. Or simply I imbed some movies and everything is cold vreme.Avtomobilat is A6 C5 2.8 Quatrro 1997. Back to top
Butter is tsarnichko as expected :-) generally have quite lost and there, but of trimmings Region are changing zeyat straight and dropped straight smells when there klimata.No bellow above I caught zagubite.Makarche until they change not sigurno.Ima is slightly lighter foam cap but I think it's more obichayno.Vse follow antifreeze suspect weak link and problem izparitelya.Nesam competent please suggest possible places difficult to see where there might be a leak in the hot car.
Posted December sheela foam 5, 2014 - 08:12
Posted December 5, 2014 - 12:13
Tell me where to buy and how to change this flange that me makes me very irritating. For me, the loss is insignificant sheela foam - half a tank of Sant year, but irritates me a lot, and a master lied to me that only razglabya aprnoto to replace the entire pipe.
Quite useful sheela foam information you will need to look around and I tam.Dano there is the problem that if trimmings straight for sale now ... Back to top
Hello fellow not zanimavai with no powders not stay without heating, better find it where the leak and fix it this is my opinion, my engine is the same and when cold is one level or slightly warmed in hot if it is another examiner only sutrin.dolei morning and I am on the edge of the tank and monitor it in white cap've never had it as far as I know is bad oil Back to top
Tezni days will be serviced odbiya throwing exhaust, I hope not ... Until servant I have Dolya losses are quite small. Oil and 3 automobile they have a cream cap especially when it's cold and the car is warmed up. I have a opelche where new housing is still under warranty kaymache sheela foam hem had its oil changed it two years in their service and then puts GM-cal it tak ea worried, saying the vapor May we will bypass sheela foam the evaporator and powders We doubt even had a chance something new with menbranite sheela foam happened and to enrich the mixture with a little antifrizche
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