The home edition of "Hellstrom clean up," we were a few weeks ago witnessed a student group that wanted to eat healthy and well, without food should xps foam exceed a certain budget limit. The boys were, to their surprise, have shown that this is indeed possible. Here I have made Hell Current fish stew with mussels and spinach - a dish that appealed xps foam both on the tongue and in your wallet for boy collective the St.Hanshaugen. Fish stew with mussels and spinach: Intended for: 2-3 people
Cherry tomatoes for garnish
Clean the mussels. Fry the onion, garlic and parsley / thyme in a saucepan until boiling in a splash of white wine vinegar. Pour 8 cups water and bring to a boil. Add the mussels and remove the saucepan from the heat. Let the mussels draw 3-4 minutes, then power headed off. Boil power up again and add the potatoes (skrellt, often broken up into smaller pieces to reduce cooking time). Foams power along the way. While the potatoes cook, pick the meat out of the mussels. Place this in a small bowl. Cut bread slices into cubes and fry in olive oil and season with salt and pepper, until you get crispy tasty croutons. When the potatoes start to become tender, add the spinach. These blanched for a few minutes before running hand blender in the pot. Season with salt and cayenne pepper
The fish are divided into bite small pieces and spread evenly on plates xps foam brushed with olive oil. The plates xps foam put in the oven for 3 minutes at 180 degrees, until the fish begins to get a little dull in color. My plates have endured this just fine - just be careful and use potholders when you take them out. Pour over spinach casserole; Add the mussels, croutons xps foam and cherry tomatoes xps foam nicely on. Serve!
Thank you for your kind words :) Reply Delete
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