During last year's New York trip, I got served a lovely mangois at an Indian restaurant. This was the first and last time I tasted mangois that was sorbet. It's obviously not very prevalent elsewhere than in the Indian kitchen, so I decided to take matters into their own hands. Now I've gotten some momentum on ice no! The recipe was as follows:
Ismix: 330 g h-milk 160 g single cream 60 g dextrose 50 g sugar 30 g golden syrup 60 g skimmed milk 2 pinches guar 1 pinch locust More info on this basic recipe comes. Mango puree (about 250 g) 2 ripe mangoes high density foam mattress 30g sugar I peeled, cut up and blended mango in hand blender, until I poured high density foam mattress out "threads" in a term. Thus I was left with a completely smooth mango puree. I heated high density foam mattress up a few tablespoons of this and mixed into 30 g of sugar. When sugar is dissolved, I mixed the mango syrup with the rest of the purée.
Procedure: After grunnmixen frozen in the ice maker, I mixed into the purée, before I let the machine run for a further ten minutes. The result was a fresh and tangy mangois, which is less "sharp" in flavor than mango sorbet. The consistency was perfect. I feel I have reached a good basic recipe and can not wait to try new flavors.
Exciting to monitor ice project. Looks like you've arrived at a good basic recipe :) And mangois is the good fight! I made one with mango and strawberries earlier this summer :) Reply Delete high density foam mattress
What I wonder is how you get hold of; dextrose, skimmed milk powder, guar and locust. Having just acquired ice cream bowl Kitchen Aiden and ismiksene from Unite'n soon be used up ... = oP're ready to roll up our sleeves and experiment a little! = O) Reply Delete
Hello. I was supposed to publish a more detailed explanation of what the different things do too. Can not remember what I've written before, but here is a brief explanation. Dextrose: lowers the freezing point - providing softer ice. Skim milk powder: absorbs water, giving a thicker mix, better texture guar and locust: absorbs water and provides a thicker mix. Acts as a stabilizer in ice. Make sure the mixture holds its shape better as it melts and becomes soft. Works partly as an emulsifier also, that binds fat and water together. And the answer to your question: I buy everything at iherb.com. Low prices and fast delivery. Let me know if you need discount code. If you are wondering exactly which products I have ordered so I can figure it out for you. You should read the way the others I've written about is, if you have not already done so. Reply Delete
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