Friday, July 4, 2014

We at Food and wine club Taste like to start with the traditional recipes and do a little more out

Fresh meat and soup | Taste
We at Food and wine club Taste like to start with the traditional recipes and do a little more out of them. If you plan fresh meat and soup for dinner one day, then take a look here. For this luxury model.
For the uninitiated: This classic dish consists of two parts: Appetizer, a powerful meat soup. The main dish, tender honeycomb background beef with a creamy, sweet and sour onion sauce. And we have our own version: 1) Clarified honeycomb background broth for soup. 2) Konfitert meat entree and gravy leveled by root vegetables. It takes a little longer, but my God for any taste!
Fresh meat and soup are slow food. And it is extremely tasty and affordable food. Buy one kilogram or two of beef (convey, honeycomb background bog or high ribs). Boil 4.3 liters of water in a roomy saucepan. Place the meat in when the water boils. As much as possible throughout and large pieces of bone, fat and all. The water should cover all the meat. Also in a couple laubærblader, some sprigs of thyme or other herbs, 4-5 cloves of garlic, one onion, a few carrots, a little celery and whatever you would find too good to flavor the soup with. The green part of the leeks have much flavor. Feel free to use it. A few peppercorns and a couple teaspoons honeycomb background of salt also belongs.
Bring to a boil and use a ladle to remove grease and foam that forms on top. Turn down heat to boiling point and add the lid. The meat should pull long, a couple of hours. Strain the broth and then flavor it with salt and pepper. Set it aside. honeycomb background
Pick apart the meat as far as possible pieces and remove the fat, leather, slintrer and legs. Fill a baking dish with a neutral cooking oil and have the meat up in so the oil covers all the meat pieces. honeycomb background Keep away some of the meat to the soup. Place the dish with oil and meat in the oven at 150 degrees for 1-2 hours or as long as it fits. This method is called to konfitere. The oil can also be added garlic and herbs, if you want a stronger flavor of the meat. Remember to keep the temperature down. The oil should barely honeycomb background bubble. The meat will not fry, but pull slowly into the hot oil. Also remember to sift all of the oil and pack the meat in kitchen paper before serving, so it does not seem fat, just juicy and super tender. honeycomb background
Put the cooked vegetables in a blender and blend together with a bit of power. Or use the hand blender. We would like the court to be gluten-and milk-free, and therefore use root vegetables like thickening. Saute in addition a few yellow onion over low heat until they are golden and creamy. Keep this up in uniform no. Hell up in 3 ml of force and boil it in a fit thick sauce. If you use the carrot in uniform no, the sauce will get a decorative and fine orange color. Season with salt, vinegar and sugar until you get the right sweet and sour flavor.
Now it's time to clear soup. This enhances the flavor and provides a lovely and clean consommé. Heat power slowly. Have a couple of egg whites and crushed egg shells in a dry bowl with a few tablespoons of lemon juice and about as much water. Stir slightly and pour the mixture into the power / soup when it is lukewarm. Warm up slowly forward until it boils. When the protein substances (proteins) accumulate on top and bring everything that makes the broth murky. Simmer 5 minutes until the egg white on top gets brownish. Strain through a cloth. It is important that the soup is finished salt. Addition of salt in retrospect, make the murky again. Pour cooking juices into deep bowls. Add up in the finely chopped cooked honeycomb background vegetables and small pieces of meat (not konfitert) and served as an appetizer. Remember parsley sprinkled!
The main course is the konfiterte meat. Along with boiled potatoes, honeycomb background vegetables and delicious onion sauce. Dessert? Check last week's post. There you will find three lovely varieties. But remember that fresh meat and soup is powerful cost. A simple fruit and bærsalat is certainly more than adequate conclusion to this mighty meal. Or just a cup of strong coffee.
What are drinking the fresh meat and soup? Powerful red wines will easily collide with the sweet and sour sauce. We would choose beer, preferably a dark Belgian, such as St. Bernardus or Leffe Brune. Here at home stock Nøgne Ø anything like that they just call "Brown". Moreover tapped it still bayer and bokkøl in Norwegian breweries. The sweetish malt taste fits well. Alternatively drinks are simply honeycomb background Norwegian spring water, either bottled or tap.
"Jamie salads Cod steak with soy butter, bacon and onions Actions Comments as RSS Trackback Information honeycomb background Date: October 26, 2011 Tags: bog, meat soup, clearance, konfitering, slow food, beef, soup Categories: Appetizers, Main Courses Meat, Food
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